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Classroom Management─Beyond the Boundaries of Classes
作者 林明地 (Ming-Dih Lin)
本文指出個別教室的班級經營應超越其有形與無形的界線,使教師能彼此分享、學習、甚至教導有關班級經營的實際 (the practice of classroom management)。除呈現三個個案的實施情形外,作者並訪問了四位教師對相關議題的意見。結果作者發現四位受訪教師都肯定「超越班級界線的班級經營」的理念與作法,但對這樣概念的第一印象卻相當多樣,而且在學校的情境中,將班級經營超越班級界線的作法並不多,大多屬於非正式觀察、非正式分享以及正式請教。作者亦呈現受訪教師所指出的優點、限制、與配套措施等。最後,作者認為,學校教師與行政人員對於實踐這樣的理念均扮演極重要的角色。
This paper suggests that the practice of classroom management of individual classroom should go beyond the visible and invisible boundaries of classes in order for teachers to share the practice of classroom management and to learn from others. It presents three cases, which utilize the concept. This paper also analyzes the results of two group interviews, which consisted of four junior high schools’ teachers form two settings in Chia-Yi and Yun-Lin counties. Based on the results of the interviews, the author found that the interviewees support the idea of sharing the practice of classroom management, however the actual sharing actions were very limited. Some advantages, obstacles, and supportive strategies to the practice are also indicated by the interviewed teachers. Finally, it shows that the teachers and administrators both play considerably important roles for implementing the practice.
起訖頁 17-151
關鍵詞 班級經營同僚專業互享同僚專業互享關係Classroom managementcollegialitycollegial relations
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 200004 (3:2期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-下一篇 終生學習趨勢對於班級經營的啟示




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