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Development and Future Prospects of the Higher Education E-Learning Program in Taiwan
作者 楊正宏林燕珍張俊陽曾憲雄 (Shian-Shyong Tseng)
資訊技術應用於教與學已經是全球的趨勢,各國紛紛將數位學習的推動列為國家重要政策,台灣自1996 年起推動專科以上學校遠距教學,開啟數位學習的先驅,至今,數位學習政策成為重要的國家型計畫之ㄧ,在教育部的推動下,高等教育的數位學習已有相當的成果,藉由本文回顧台灣高等教育數位學習推動政策與現況,並於探討國外數位學習推動政策後,歸納未來高等教育數位學習推動策略建議,期待有助於瞭解國內大學數位學習推動政策現況及未來方向,以作為進行更深入、全面性與跨領域研究之基礎及實務界尋求學術界協助之參考。
Along with the rapid development of new technologies in recent years, e-learning has increasingly gained in popularity among governments and institutes of higher education world-wide. The government of Taiwan implemented a higher education e-learning program in 1996. The policies adopted in this program have since fostered an environment advantageous to the close cooperation of government, industry and academia. The present study examines the current status of the higher education e-learning program adopted in Taiwan, and discusses future trends. It also compares the program to similar programs adopted in other developed countries, and attempts to identify constructive strategies for future improvements of the e-learning environment in Taiwan. The results of this study provide important fundamental information about higher education e-learning policies, and can conceivably act as a general reference and guideline for other studies in the future.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 數位學習數位學習政策數位學習策略e-Learninge-Learning policye-Learning strategies
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 200809 (1:1期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-下一篇 以Big Six Skills 資訊問題解決歷程培養創造力成效之研究




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