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A Study of the Use of Means-End Chains in the Examination of the Requirements for a Digital Learning Platform
作者 林裕淩鄭麗珍林芝亙
隨著網際網路的普及,促使數位學習時代的來臨。數位學習是一種以學習者為中心的自主性學習方式,系統設計者應該掌握學習者的認知價值與其學習需求。本研究以方法目的鏈(Means-end chains)之理論為基礎,深入訪談擁有數位學習經驗之學習者,以了解他們在使用上的需求。研究結果顯示,網站操作容易、線上考試、畫面美工、以及課程分階段等功能,是影響學習者之數位學習平台的關鍵屬性;研究並繪製出使用者需求之價值階層圖,並加以闡明其意涵。期望言就能幫助平台開發者,更瞭解學習者、平台的定位及主要訴求,以開發出更符合學習者需求的數位學習平台,進而影響學習者所獲得的最終價值。
The use of the Internet has become popular, thus accelerating the era of digital learning. Digital learning is a student-centered learning method. System designers must manage learning cognitive values and learning requirements. On the one hand, research in digital learning has focused upon technological issues or has centered on educational theories, while research in information theories mainly depends on the Technology Receipt Model. This study uses means-end chains to conduct in-depth interviews with several experienced digital learners in order to understand their operational needs. The results clearly revealed the learners' structure of recognition value. With this study, we are expecting to assist platform developers to learn more about learners, such that more suitable platforms can be developed accordingly. Hence, it will influence the final value of learners' acquisition.
起訖頁 39-55
關鍵詞 方法目的鏈使用者需求數位學e-LearningMeans-end chainuser requirements
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 200809 (1:1期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 結合Big Six 技能與線上自律學習模式之學習策略-以社會科主題探究活動為例
該期刊-下一篇 採遊戲式學習教育平台之科學教育活動設計




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