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The Study of Discrepancies between Presale Housing Transaction Prices and Real Estate Appraiser Valuations: A Case Study of Urban Renewal Rights Transformation in Taipei
作者 柯登耀陳奉瑤
The transaction price of presale houses involves developers seeking to release presale properties, acquired through competitive bidding by agency representatives after obtaining the project. Subsequently, they are marketed after being packaged with advantageous project features. Determining the value of urban renewal rights transformation typically involves real estate appraisers estimating the pre- and post-renewal values using multiple valuation methods, then determining the transformation ratio based on the pre-renewal value. The appraisers' pricing methods differ from those employed by construction companies or agencies, along with varying considerations. This study overcame the historical limitation of presale houses being restricted to individual case prices. It filtered out 147 urban renewal rights transformation cases recorded from 2011 to 2020, with 53 cases totaling 3,423 transactions meeting the comparison criteria. By conducting individual case interviews with construction and agency companies, the study resolved the lack of clarity in transaction prices for individual units in the data. It incorporated the ''case'' features of presale houses into the estimation of ''unit'' characteristics, while simultaneously using the Hedonic pricing model to establish two models: one for real estate appraiser valuation and the other for presale house transaction prices. In Taipei City's urban renewal rights transformation cases, significant differences exist between appraisers and the construction industry in terms of price variation. When assessing values under similar case conditions, both appraisers and the construction industry consider factors influencing prices, including location conditions, transportation convenience, and building structure forms. The primary factors affecting price differences are location conditions, followed by building structure, transportation convenience, and the total number of housing units.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 預售屋權利變換都市更新不動產估價師Presale HousingRights Transfer of Urban RenewalUrban RenewalReal Estate Appraiser
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 202407 (35期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 應用土地價值獲取方案籌措捷運建設計畫資金──中央與地方政府賽局分析




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