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Consideration of the Interests of Employee and His or Her Family Life After the Addition of Article 10-1 of the Labor Standards Act
作者 李玉春 (Yue-Chune Lee)
The Labor Standards Act stipulates in Clause 5 of Article 10-1 that an employer transferring an employee must“consider the livelihood interests of the employee and his or her family.”However, when the livelihood interests of the employee and his or her family clash with the employer’s business interests, it becomes necessary to investigate how to strike a balance between these concerns. The recognition of personnel relocation rights for Japanese employers has been accorded significant weight in judicial practice. Not only did the legal opinion of“significant detriment beyond the normal tolerable degree”that was disclosed in the Toa Paint case judgment of the Supreme Court become an important criterion that was long adhered to by courts of all levels, but it also had a profound effect on judicial practice in Taiwan. However, as a result of the revision of labor laws in Japan, the evaluation of violations of the right to transfer is subject to new restrictions and considerations. To strike a balance between the employer’s right to transfer and the livelihood interests of employee and his or her family, this article compares the development of Japanese transfer law with the discourse on the livelihood interests of employee and his or her family in judicial practice and literature subsequent to the addition of Article 10-1 of the Labor Standards Act. In light of the numerous differences between the social and labor environments of the two countries, this article argues that it is inappropriate to apply Japanese judicial principles explicitly. Additionally,“consideration of the livelihood interests of employee and his or her family”stipulates that the worker and their family’s“existing living conditions”must be taken into account. When assessing the legality of a transfer, the worker’s current work patterns and living conditions associated with them must be given the utmost consideration.
起訖頁 93-171
關鍵詞 調職調動家庭生活利益權利濫用既有生活狀態Job TransferRelocationFamily Livelihood InterestsAbuse of RightsExisting Living Conditions
刊名 臺北大學法學論叢  
期數 202406 (130期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 人工智慧生成發明與專利法制改革之探討
該期刊-下一篇 國民法官法之起訴狀一本主義機能初探




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