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Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum in COVID-19 Patients on Mechanical Ventilation: A Case Series and Literature Review
作者 陳道岸柏斯琪林昌生林介惠劉雅閔莊雅婷鄭進福洪文仲
嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)現今已成為影響全球的主要流行病。COVID-19病人具有高住院與住加護病房比率,這些病人可能會使用侵襲性呼吸器或非侵襲性呼吸器支持。COVID-19住院病人中約0.3–4.2%會出現氣壓傷,如再接受侵入性機械通氣其氣壓傷的發生的比率約為14.7%且死亡率將近六成。在胸部電腦斷層掃描中發現的Macklin效應可以預測高氣壓傷風險的病人。目前在COVID-19使用呼吸器病人上主要設定仍為肺保護性通氣策略,儘管如此氣壓傷比率仍高,因此這些病人發生氣壓傷的原因可能是多因素的,可能與肺部病理因素有關,較高的PEEP可能進一步增強細胞激素反應,而加劇肺泡損傷,在PEEP為10 cmH2O左右或Pplat在小於30 cmH2O即能發生氣壓傷。因此,呼吸器的COVID-19病人在肺保護策略下PEEP的使用需要更加留意。
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has evolved into a major global pandemic, leading to high rates of hospitalization and admission to intensive care units for affected individuals. Patients with COVID-19 may undergo either invasive or non-invasive ventilator support. Approximately 0.3% to 4.2% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients develop barotrauma. If subjected to invasive mechanical ventilation, the incidence of barotrauma rises to around 14.7%, with an associated mortality rate of nearly 60%.
The Macklin effect, observed in chest computed tomography scans, can be used to predict patients at a high risk of developing barotrauma. Despite the widespread implementation of lung-protective ventilation strategies, the incidence of barotrauma remains high in COVID-19 patients. The causes of barotrauma in these patients are likely multifactorial and may be related to pulmonary pathological factors. Higher positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may exacerbate cytokine responses, leading to increased alveolar damage. Barotrauma can occur at a PEEP of 10 cmH2O or a plateau pressure (Pplat) less than 30 cmH2O. Therefore, the use of PEEP in COVID-19 patients on ventilators, under the lung-protective ventilation strategy, requires careful consideration.
起訖頁 280-287
關鍵詞 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎氣胸縱膈氣腫氣壓傷機械通氣馬克林效應COVID-19pneumothoraxpneumomediastinumbarotraumamechanical ventilationMacklin effect
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 202408 (23:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 科學中藥配合外用紫雲膏治療乾癬病例報告
該期刊-下一篇 腦中風醫療營養治療的策略




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