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論依循先例(stare decisis)如何及為何構成法源──寫在大法庭制度立法之後
How and Why is Stare Decisis a Source of Law: In the Wake of the Establishment of the Grand Tribunals
Stare decisis as a source of law consists of three options that every judge ponders and selects before delivering a judgment: a. look for applicable precedents that may be cited as support in the judicial reasoning; b. identify the inapplicable ones when consequential differences are found; and c. fully state the grounds, when it is decided, though never lightly or frequently, that a precedent is to be overruled. It’s developed from the self-consciousness of judges as members of the integrated judicial institution, as individual judgments are to judicial integrity. Judicial prudence in stare decisis, in the spirit of an independent judiciary, does not undermine the autonomy that judicial independence has created for the needs of each judge in rendering a judgment. All a judge has to do is bear in mind the need to study precedents before forming his or her own judicial decision, and after carefully choosing one of the three options, articulate adequate reasons so that a work habit can be established. Adoption of stare decisis as a judicial habit helps fully satisfy the necessary requirement that each judgment be fortified with legal grounds and reasoning, so as to enhance judicial consistency, fairness, predictability, transparency, accountability, rationality, prudence, and integrity. Stare decisis can greatly complement what the new institution of the Grand Tribunals is intended to achieve. The real challenge, however, lies in whether it helps to fill the historical vacuum of a judicial culture that a contemporary judiciary must be equipped with but is missing in ours.
起訖頁 61-115
關鍵詞 法源依循先例案例法大法庭判例Source of LawStare DecisisCase Lawthe Grand TribunalPrecedent
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 202404 (48:1期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
該期刊-上一篇 全民的憲法時刻──如何經由選前的政黨協商排除少數統治、權責不符的憲政危機《我國行政與立法互動的省思及新路徑》
該期刊-下一篇 國家對公務員行使求償權之審判權歸屬




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