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Factors influence consumers’switching behavior from movie theater to OTT under COVID-19 pandemic: A push-pull-mooring perspective
作者 張伯謙簡陳中林子浩
As OTT platforms evolve, consumers are presented with increasingly diverse options for viewing films and TV shows. Historically, theories and research have primarily focused on selecting new technology platforms or transitions between similar platforms, with less emphasis on the shift between physical and online streaming services. Furthermore, the pandemic has led to cinema closures, significantly impacting consumer movie-watching behaviors. In light of this, our study aims to explore the key factors and behaviors influencing consumers’transition from cinemas to OTT platforms in the post-pandemic era, employing a modified Push-Pull-Mooring model.
The findings show that peer influence, attractiveness of alternatives, perceived risk and content quality are the key factors that drive consumers to switch from watching movies from movie theaters to OTT platforms. In contrast with push variables, pull variables negatively but significantly affect the switching intention. Mooring variables have moderating effects on the relationship between push variable and switching intention.
To sum up, the findings imply that cinema operators should create more attractive activities and offerings to the consumers to raise the barriers to service switch. On the other hand, OTT operators should pay more attention to social activities to create consumer’s dependency on the platform.
起訖頁 1-61
關鍵詞 COVID-19OTT影音服務平台電影院推力-拉力-繫止力模型風險感知轉換意願COVID-19OTT platformMovie theaterPush-Pull-Mooring modelPerceived riskSwitching intention
刊名 亞洲廣電與新媒體研究  
期數 202405 (43期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 高評估為電視機構言談──分析生活風格談話節目影像與視覺意義




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