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Spiritual Environmental Protection and Life Education: An Exploratory Study
作者 辜琮瑜
生命教育在臺灣行之有年,且經歷過省教育廳、教育部正式倡議,並於高中課綱中明定實施重點。然也因此讓生命教育有體制內課程化、學科化之傾向,且從高中課綱,往下成為融入式教學模組,往上成為高等教育,尤其通識教育的重要指標。至此,生命教育儼然僅為教育場域之事。然生命的教育似乎不當僅限於教育場域內照表操作者,蓋因施作時間有限,生命課題亦很難僅於課程中深入探討,再者,亦非僅有學生需要此生命課題的學習與探索。故而臺灣的「生命教育」概念,也開始與終身學習、西方全人或整全教育、體制外體驗教學、社會關懷等面向對話或結合,形成不只是教育或學科的「生命教育」開展現象。 在此歷程中,研究者參與教育部學科中心諮詢委員、民間生命教育協會常務理事,亦於高等教育通識中心、生命教育碩士課程、社區大學等授課,對生命教育之內涵開始生發整合探索之動機。加諸探研聖嚴法師「心靈環保」概念後,認二者似有一內在可對應連結之可能,故試圖從中找出以心靈環保之理念與學習樣態,建構如聖嚴法師所言,涵蓋從出生到死亡之終身學習的生命教育架構。此架構亦僅試圖以「芻議」概念,提出有別於過往全人化、課綱化之生命教育模組,為此一領域提供不同的參照。
Life education has been practiced in Taiwan for many years and has been officially advocated by the Provincial Department of Education and the Ministry of Education. It is also highlighted in the high school curriculum. However, this has led to the institutionalization and subjectification of life education, turning it into a modular component of integrated teaching at lower levels and an important indicator of higher education, especially general education. As a result, life education has become limited to the field of education. However, life education should not be limited to just teaching in a classroom. Firstly, because of limited class time, it is difficult to deeply explore life issues within the curriculum. Secondly, it is not only students who need to learn and explore life issues. Therefore, after the concept of “life education” was introduced in Taiwan, a dialogue began around its integration with lifelong learning, western holistic education, non-institutional experiential teaching, social care, etc. It has evolved into something which is not just an educational or disciplinary phenomenon, but a comprehensive development of “life education”. During this process, the researcher's involvement included working as a consultant for the Ministry of Education's Subject Center, serving as an executive director for a private life education association, and teaching in general education centers, life education master's programs, and community colleges in higher education. After engaging in various areas, the researcher was motivated to begin integrating and exploring the meaning of life education. After applying the concept of “spiritual environmental protection” proposed by Master Sheng Yen to this exploration, there seemed to be a potential inherent connection between the two ideas. Therefore, an attempt was made to identify a life education framework that covers lifelong learning from birth to death, based on the ideas and learning patterns of spiritual environmental protection as described by Master Sheng Yen. This framework proposes the concept of “speculation,” which aims to provide a different frame of reference for this field that is distinct from the previous holistic and curriculum-based life education modules.
起訖頁 27-52
關鍵詞 心靈環保生命教育終身學習整全教育spiritual environmental protectionlife educationlifelong learningholistic education
刊名 心靈環保學報  
期數 202309 (1期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 自我認識、生命意義與價值探索:一個以哲學實踐為基礎的教學嘗試
該期刊-下一篇 佛教心靈環保的經營管理策略




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