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A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Huayan Lunguan
知識簡化涉及節選,而選擇背後必有特定考量或立場。單就總括概覧的特性而言,傳統釋氏典籍不乏系統分科、鉤玄提要的教學用書。以華嚴宗為例,卷帙浩繁的《華嚴經》實非初學者得以迅速掌握,歷代注疏也頗為博奧龐雜,執簡馭繁的綱要書由之應運而生。宋代復菴撰《華嚴綸貫》(或作《華嚴經綸貫》)一卷,全書僅以四千多字勾勒出《華嚴經》的梗概。當代華嚴宗傳人將之視為瞭解《華嚴經》大意的重要入門書,但亦有古德持相反意見。基於指引閱讀《華嚴經》的教科書定位,本研究透過現代教育學界所重視的批判論述分析(critical discourse analysis),解析《華嚴綸貫》所蘊含的編輯意識。 Norman Fairclough的批判論述分析主要為文本意識型態的研究方法,主張:文本的意識型態隱藏於語句表現之下,而且文本在建構過程往往受到歷史或社會文化等外圍因素影響。《華嚴綸貫》作為一總攝《華嚴經》的概要性論著,經句的擇取、文義詮釋乃至引證必然帶有編寫者的主觀意識。本文運用Fairclough氏的三向度框架(文本描述、論述實踐和社會文化實踐),從教材編纂角度解析《華嚴綸貫》構成樣貌,論說其編輯特色以及撰者的學術傾向,並從中省思教學者對於教材所應關注的多元面向。
The simplification of knowledge involves a process of selection, which is based on particular considerations or a particular perspective. The Buddhist tradition abounds in systematic introductions to Buddhist scriptures. Taking the Huayan school as an example, The Huayan Lunguan, written by Fu-an in the Song Dynasty, contains just over 4,000 words providing a survey of the Huayan Sutra. While many contemporary followers of the Huayan school regard it as a helpful introductory book for understanding the Sutra, some ancient masters held different views. This study aims to explore the editorial ideology embedded in the Huayan Lunguan, taken as a guide to reading the Huayan Sutra. The study will take the form of a critical discourse analysis, a method widely applied to contemporary educational research. Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis focuses on the study of textual ideology, asserting that the ideology of a text is hidden beneath its linguistic expression, and that the process of textual construction is often influenced by external factors such as history or social culture. As a summary treatise on Huayan, the interpretations and even the quotations in the Huayan Lunguan are necessarily subjective in nature. This paper uses Fairclough's three-dimensional framework (Text, Discourse practice, and Sociocultural practice) to illustrate the composition of the Huayan Lunguan from the perspective of textbook compilation, discussing its editorial features and the author's academic orientation. Through this case study of the analysis of the Huayan Lunguan, this paper discusses the various dimensions of teaching materials which teachers should take into consideration.
起訖頁 159-189
關鍵詞 華嚴綸貫批判論述分析華嚴教學佛學教材Huayan Lunguancritical discourse analysisHuayan teachingBuddhist textbooks
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202112 (29期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 三峰派參禪鍛鍊:論仁山寂震之參禪第一步要訣




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