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Preliminary Research into the Youxi Wenji by Wujin Chuandeng
《幽溪文集》為無盡傳燈著作之一,收於《衢州文獻集成》中,於2015年出版而為人所知。《幽溪文集》的編纂者為傳燈徒孫文心受教,時間大約在天啟三年(1623)或稍後,也就是傳燈七十歲之後。卷數有三十卷、二十卷之說,現存的版本記為十二卷,卷數上的差距甚大。 《衢州文獻集成》所收《幽溪文集》為光緒十九年天台山真覺寺刷印本,各卷順序有誤、缺頁、頁面錯置、缺字的情況甚多,為此參酌中國南開大學所藏光緒二十一年高明寺刷印本、日本京都大學藏本等其他版本、文獻,進行各卷順序、頁面的調整,過程中發現卷十、卷十一應該是一卷,而非兩卷。透過此基礎研究,提供《幽溪文集》的相關訊息與卷數、頁面的正確順序,以利於該文集的閱讀與理解,有助於進一步探討傳燈思想、實踐的主張,以及天台僧團的發展與社會網絡的交織等相關研究。
The Youxi Wenji (幽溪文集) is one of Wujin Chuandeng’s works. Collected in the Quzhou Wenxian Jicheng (衢州文獻集成), it was published in 2015. This work was compiled by Chuandeng’s disciple Wenxin Shoujiao when Chuandeng was over 70 years old around 1623, or sometime after that. The current edition contains only 12 scrolls, which is at odds with the traditional accounts, which describe the work as containing 30 or 20 scrolls. The Youxi Wenji text contained in the Quzhou Wenxian Jicheng was printed by the Tiantai mountain Zhenjue monastery in 1893. Some of the scrolls are out of order, some pages are missing, the typesetting is faulty, and instances of missing characters abound. I have consulted other versions of the text, including the Gaoming monastery printed version preserved by the Chinese Nankai university and a version preserved at the Kyoto University. By comparing the order of scrolls and the arrangement of pages, I have determined that the contents of scrolls 10 and 11 belong to a single scroll. In this preliminary research, I provide information about scroll and page number and sequence, which will hopefully facilitate future research regarding the thought and practice of master Chuandeng, as well as the development of the Tiantai monastic community and its connection with the wider societal context of its time.
起訖頁 49-114
關鍵詞 明末天台幽溪文集無盡傳燈文心受教高明寺Tiantai in the later Ming dynastyYouxi WenjiWujin ChuandengWenxin ShoujiaoGaoming monastery
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202112 (29期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 僧肇「會萬物以成己者」、「天地同根萬物一體」在禪門的公案傳衍與啟悟
該期刊-下一篇 三峰派參禪鍛鍊:論仁山寂震之參禪第一步要訣




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