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法鼓佛學學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Views on the Chan Scriptures of Medieval China–The Question of Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna Affiliation
The An ban shou yi jing, Yin chi ru jing, and Ban zhou san mei jing were initially regarded as Mahāyāna texts. After the Sui dynasty, however, catalogues of scriptures (jinglu) classified the An ban shou ji jing and Yin chi ru jing as Hīnayāna texts or the works of enlightened sages. This was also the case with texts such as the Zuo chan san mei jing, Chan fa yao jie, Chan mi yao fa jing, Si wei lue yao fa, Da mo duo luo chan jing, Wu men chan jing yao yong fa, Chi chan bing mi yao fa, etc. Conversely, texts such as the Guan fo san mei hai jing, Guan pu xian pu sa xing fa jing, Guan xu kong zang pu sa jing, Guan wu liang shou fo jing, Guan yao wang yao shang er pu sa jing, or Guan mi le pu sa shang sheng dou shuai tian jing were viewed as Mahāyāna texts. With the exception of the Ban zhou san mei jing and the six scriptures containing the words guan in their titles, all of which were considered to belong to the Mahāyāna, catalogues of scriptures from after the Sui dynasty classify the An ban shou yi jing and all the other scriptures discussed in this paper as Hīnayāna texts or the works of enlightened sages.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 禪經禪觀經錄大乘小乘Chan scripturesChan meditationcatalogues of scripturesMahāyānaHīnayāna
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 202106 (28期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-下一篇 宋代曹洞宗真歇清了禪師新材料的發現及其生平行履考




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