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Deconstruction of Trauma Narratives and Healing in the Stories from the Jing Lu Yi Xiang
近年以敘述治療理論作為文學的研究方法,是新開拓的領域。筆者檢視《經律異相》中的故事,發現有許多創傷療癒的實踐過程,因此本文以此為文本,從故事文學角度切入,敘事治療理論為研究方法,來探討《經律異相》故事中創傷敘事的解構與療癒。 文中所舉的故事,於創傷敘事的解構與療癒呈現在四個方面:一、以「因緣」解構聚散離合;二、以「無常」解構生老病死;三、以「輪迴」解構五蘊熾盛;四、以「業力」解構貴賤消長,既體現佛教主張的觀念,更呈現人們於生活中所面臨的各種困境與解決方法。 佛陀藉由對眾生宣講佛法的故事敘述,或大眾自身語言所建構的創傷課題,以佛法思想觀點作為療癒的基礎與根據,以此解構人們生命中諸多的創傷課題,每個特殊的故事內容呈現不同形式的療癒策略與成果。
In recent years, there has been a growth of interest in the theory of narrative therapy as a new research method for the study literature. The author examines the Jing Lu Yi Xiang and finds many stories related to the practice of treating trauma. This article explores the deconstruction and healing process described in the narratives of trauma from the Jing Lu Yi Xiang from the perspective of narrative literature, using narrative therapy theory as a research method. The stories presented in this article presents four aspects in the deconstruction and healing of trauma narratives: (1) Deconstruction of the dependently arisen process of union and separation; (2) Deconstruction of birth, old age, illness, and death with impermanence; (3) Deconstruction of the five aggregates by examining the process of rebirth; (4) Deconstruction of wealth and poverty with karma. The text not only presents important Buddhist concepts, but also offers solutions to various common predicaments of human life. The Buddha’s narratives, together with the personal accounts of trauma presented in their own language by members of the audience, reveals a process of deconstructing traumatic experiences with the help of Buddhist ideas, and resolving fundamental challenges of the human condition, each story presenting a different form of healing strategy and outcome.
起訖頁 91-126
關鍵詞 經律異相佛經故事心理創傷敘事治療佛教文學Jing Lu Yi Xiangsutra storypsychological traumanarrative therapyBuddhist literature
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 201906 (24期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 圜悟克勤之公案教學──女眾參禪之案例分析




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