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The Chan“Tea Words”of Zhan-Ran Yuan-Cheng and Two of His Dharma Heirs
明末清初時期,禪宗出現沉寂已久的復興跡象,其中以臨濟宗與曹洞宗為顯著。此時期問世了大量的語錄著作,其中可見歷代祖師所留下的語錄未編列的「茶話」篇,本論文即鎖定以「茶話」為主要研究議題。 活躍於明末清初時期的曹洞宗,以無明慧經和湛然圓澄為最著名。此篇研究以法派流傳至今的湛然圓澄一系為主,探討湛然圓澄及其二位法派傳人弟子,首先就其三人之行狀,整理成生平弘化表圖,便利於對照三人所處之時空;其次探討三人傳承印可關係之樞紐,呈現禪宗師徒關係以心法為要;最後爬梳三人各自在所駐錫的寺院之中,利用各種場合及節慶時舉辦茶會,例如:除夕、新春、元宵、端午、中秋、誕日、結制、解制等,開示具有禪家機鋒之話語,並運用「茶」來教化接機大眾,使能達到修心修證之目的,所展現的各家禪機之活潑性、趣味性的風格。
During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Chan school showed signs of a revival after a long period of silence. In this regard, the Lin-Ji and Cao-Dong lineages were most active. During this period, a large amount of“Chan records”(yulu 語錄) were collected. In these collections, a new section entitled“tea words”(chanhua 禪話) was introduced, which had never been included in the record of past patriarchs. This article will focus on the study of these“tea words”. Among those figures most active in this period, Wuming Huijing and Zhanran Yuancheng are the most well-known from the Cao-Dong lineage. This study will focus on Zhanran Yuancheng, whose lineage extends all the way to this day, as well as two of his Dharma heirs. Firstly, charts are created based on the biographies of these three figures in order to situate and contrast their lives in time and space. Secondly, I will explore the key connections in terms of the lineage of Dharma recognition (yinke 印可) to illustrate the primacy of the master-disciple transmission from mind to mind in the Chan School. Finally, I will review the dialogues recorded during tea gatherings held on various occasions, such as New Year's Eve, the New Year, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Buddha's Birthday, etc. One finds that the Dharma talks given on these occasions are full of vivid and momentous words and gestures (jifeng 機鋒) which are typical of the Chan masters’ teaching style. Tea is also used to instruct the public and help the practitioners along their practice towards enlightenment. Each of them demonstrate a unique eloquence, aesthetic, and style.
起訖頁 45-85
關鍵詞 曹洞宗茶話湛然圓澄瑞白明雪石雨明方Cao-Dong Lineagetea wordsZhanran YuanchengRuibai MingxueShiyu Mingfang
刊名 法鼓佛學學報  
期數 201706 (20期)
出版單位 法鼓文理學院
該期刊-上一篇 高泉與溫泉:從高泉性潡看晚明清初渡日華僧的異文化接觸
該期刊-下一篇 震旦弘法,扶事為急:曾大奇《通翼》初探




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