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Happy Birthday–Celebration and Congratulation in the Literature of Su Shi
蘇軾嘗謂「吾平生遭口語無數,蓋生時與韓退之相似,吾命在斗間而身宮在焉。」似乎認為自身仕運不齊與出生時間頗為相關。然而,其為人曠逸放達,日常的生活意趣時時蘊造為生命華彩,遇逢自己生辰與親友生日,往往亦歡欣慶賀。本文將以蘇軾集中「生日受賀」與「為人慶生」為研究對象,依序分為兩部分考察。第一,蘇軾自己生辰而受賀,從蘇軾收受之賀禮與謝辭中,察觀其面對生命推移時之歡快閒雅。第二,為人慶賀生日,蘇軾熱愛生命,與人交善,在朋友、子由,及王閏之、朝雲生日時,以詩筆或實際行動祝賀,依不同對象之特徵形貌,及與蘇軾之關係,呈現鮮活的人物形象與流洩筆端的真情,同時寄寓當下之生存境遇、生命感受及未來想望。 本文希望藉由蘇軾「過生日」與「為別人過生日」,探入蘇軾如何熱情洋溢的從生活照亮生命,以及從容自適的以生命履踐生活。
How do people celebrate and congratulate someone's birthday in Song Dynasty? We take the great poet, Su Shi, as a representative. This article researches how Su Shi celebrates and congratulates his and friends' birthday in his poetry as research subjects and divided into two parts. First, as Su Shi celebrating his birthday, from the presents and the expression of thanks, we have discovered his life experience is still enthusiastic and full of joy. Second, for congratulating his brother, friends and wife's birthdays, we could find out that Su Shi loves life and makes friends with others. He wrote down the poetry or took congratulations in action for different people with various relationships to show up the fresh characteristic and fulfill the true feelings and also contain the living situation, experience and future hope. We explore how Su Shi enthusiastically illuminates life from life and lives comfortably in life by his poetry of his, family or friends' birthday.
起訖頁 241-267
關鍵詞 蘇軾生日生日受賀為人慶生壽禮Su ShiBirthdayCelebrationCongratulationCongratulatory gift
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202206 (35期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 文學與政治在對立統一下的審美超越——林文義《遺事八帖》大散文的歷史書寫
該期刊-下一篇 「儒道會通」研究進路新探——以《東坡易傳》對《易》之詮釋為例




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