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Literary writing of the landscape of ''the first village of Hakka in Rift Valley'' in traditional poets
Ji'an Township in Hualien County is the northernmost gateway to the East Rift Valley of Hualian. The proportion of Hakka population exceeds 30%, making it the top of the 13 townships and cities in Hualien. The No. 1 Hakka Village in Rift Valley''. We know that people cannot live independently without the conservation of the land. Whether they are settlers or aborigines, they have all lived and implemented all behaviors of life on this land in Ji'an. Since Hualien Ji'an is a region where many ethnic groups gather, in addition to the aborigines, there are also Han ethnic groups such as Hakka, Hokkien, and immigrants from other provinces. The infection of the new contact people was nurtured, and some new understandings and imaginations were generated, which were condensed into a new land experience and presented in his literary works. The author intends to further explore and analyze the content and local characteristics of Ji'an Township's poems and local characteristics based on the rich literary works of the traditional poets who immigrated to Hualien from the island, as well as the aboriginal writings of Japanese haiku and waka writers. I hope more people will pay attention to the literary value of this land in Ji'an, Hualien. She is not just a leisure garden in the suburbs of Hualien City, nor is it just a starting point for passers-by to have a glimpse of the East Rift Valley. She has a hometown. of gummy emotions and deep land imprints.
起訖頁 157-183
關鍵詞 縱谷客家第一庄傳統詩人本島移居流寓移民the first village of Hakka in Rift Valleytraditional poetsimmigration to the islandimmigrant living in exi
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202206 (35期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 洪棄生詩中的航海書寫與寄懷
該期刊-下一篇 文學與政治在對立統一下的審美超越——林文義《遺事八帖》大散文的歷史書寫




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