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The Effect of Wang Tao's Running the Newspaper on Political Thought to the Late Qing Dynasty–Analysis of Political Communication
作者 張家琪
王韜是中國近代的文學作家、思想家、政論家、教育家、新聞工作者,他的見識和思想不但影響了當時改革派思想家與維新人士─諸如嚴復、鄭觀應、康有為、梁啟超、汪康年等;甚至國父孫中山先生對王韜也聲名久慕,有份欽仰心意焉。 歷來學界對王韜的研究,似乎較多注意王韜變法思想的分析與評價,或是政治思想、經濟思想與教育思想等有關論述,對於王韜主辦《循環日報》對晚清政治思想的影響,則較少著墨。本文的目的,就是對這一代開風氣之先的奇人,試圖以政治傳播學的角度來分析其所創辦的《循環日報》,對於晚清政治人物和政治思想的影響和貢獻。 經過文獻分析後發現,王韜在當時是少有懂得以報業傳播其政治思想的先知;更難得是王韜是最早懂得盱衡政治環境和氣氛,以迂迴和間接方式傳播他的政治思想,以民本思想來傳達他的民主思想,以漸進方式達到他所欲達的效果。王韜也是曉得要使思想傳播有效,必須讓大眾了解所欲傳達的政治符號的少數士人,能以簡潔清晰的淺近文言為表達的中介,將西歐政治制度的精義以及近代思潮的主流,作深入淺出的報導。在當時何謂「有效傳播」,連西方都還未發展出相關理論,王韜能有這樣的認識,非常不易。
Wang Tao was a modern Chinese litterateur, thinker, political commentator, educator, journalist. His knowledge and thoughts not only affected the reformist thinkers and reformers at that time - such as Yan Fu, Zheng Guanying, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Wang Kangnian, etc.; even the Republic of China of national father Mr. Sun Yat-sen also looked up to Wang Tao, and kindly feeling. Over the years, the study of Wang Tao in the academic study seems to pay more attention to the analysis and evaluation of Wang Tao's thoughts, or the political thoughts, economic thoughts and educational thoughts. For the effect of Wang Tao's ''Universal Circulating Herald'' on the political thoughts of the late Qing Dynasty, rarely described. The purpose of this article is going to try to analyze '' Universal Circulating Herald '' was created by Wang Tao, who is how to affect politicians and political thoughts in the late Qing Dynasty from the view of political communication. After document analysis, the article have discovered that Wang Tao was a person of foresight who knew how to communicate his political thoughts at that time. Wang Tao was the first to understand the political environment and atmosphere, and to communicate his political thoughts in a roundabout and indirect way. Wang Tao knew how to communicate his democratic ideas with People-oriented thoughts and achieves his desired effect in a gradual way. Wang Tao is also a minority who knows how to make the dissemination of though effective, have to let the public understand the political symbols to be communicated. He knew how to use the simple and clear writings in Classical Chinese to express the essence of Western European political system and the mainstream of modern thoughts. At that time, what was meant by ''effective communication'', even the West has not developed relevant theories. It is very great for Wang Tao to have such an understanding.
起訖頁 199-236
關鍵詞 王韜循環日報政治傳播政治思想Wang TaoUniversal Circulating Heraldpolitical communicationPolitical Thoughts
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202006 (31期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 對照與互文——由敦煌本《唐太宗入冥記》之結構考察唐代「入冥」敘事的模式與意涵
該期刊-下一篇 《禮記》生命禮儀思想研究——以生命教育為主軸




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