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The Implications of Chinese Calligraphy Art in Folk Literature and Culture
書法藝術是中華文化之重要瑰寳,而民俗則是在社會當中早就習以為常的生活方式,或者意識、觀念。書法在過去經常與民間文學、民俗文化相結合,呈現在各種生活形式、習俗及節慶之中,其間所應用到的器物、道具,也總不免會有書法的各種藝術表現形式融入其中,蘊含人們對美好生活的祝願,以及與人為善之喜樂的情感。 本文探討書法在民俗文學與文化中之應用,首先論說書法定位,藉以探討書法在民俗文學上的應用,並以書信手札、詩歌、書法及紅樓夢內容為例證;其次探討書法在民俗文化上的應用,則先以敦煌書法中之千字文為例證,接著探討書法在台灣民間藝術中之應用,最後展望書法在今日可有之作為,及如何承先啟後作結。 書法教育原本具有實用、藝術、及表現人格的三個目標,如今,書法在官方教育體系中並未得到該有的重視,反而,在民間相對比較受到尊重及推廣,或在文化創意產業,或在人民日常生活中,或在禮俗節慶上,書法仍然呈現著綿綿若存的生機活力。未來,或許還可在文藝展演、文創設計及藝術治療的領域,提供更多嶄新的助益。
The goals of the article is to inquire the implications of Chinese calligraphy art in folk literature and culture. In the past, Chinese calligraphy was used with in variety of conventions, ceremonies, and devices to show the best wishes and sincere affections for people. Such as the calligraphy in folk art crafts, calligraphy in Dunhuang Caves, and the traditional novels. Originally the three goals of calligraphy education are practicality, art, and showing the personality style. Nowadays, calligraphy is promoted more effectively in folk lives than in the formal education. Chinese calligraphy could be seen in creative cultural industries, in folk ceremonies, and in daily life. In the future, there are still ways for Chinese calligraphy to spread it effects in art performances, designs, and art therapy.
起訖頁 157-185
關鍵詞 書法民俗文學民俗文化敦煌書法文化創意產業藝術治療CalligraphyFolk LiteratureFolk CultureDunhuang CalligraphyCreative Cultural IndustryArt Therapy
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201912 (30期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 動物崇拜與物類交感的文化模式
該期刊-下一篇 馬新華人傳統行業概論




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