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The Aesthetic Achievements and Literature Expressions of the ''One-Stroke Calligraphy'' Created by Master Hsing Yun
星雲大師藉一筆字弘揚人間佛教,但因晚年視力衰退,書作必須一氣呵成,故在書寫前必先意匠經營,預想筆意及整體布局,然後下筆,由此而稱為一筆字。 由於作品必須一氣貫注,筆勢連貫,有如行雲流水,或仍是筆斷意連,此即符合古來書法美學原理;兼且大師一筆字內容深入淺出,寓含哲理,常令信眾得到啟發,歡喜讚歎,而達成弘法之效。此一現象,值得加以探討。 本文係從一筆字的書法造詣及文學表現二個向度加以探討,一方面追溯書法源流,從王獻之一筆書,以及行草書的筆法、創作原則及美學原理,對於星雲大師的一筆字書法,作學理上的探討;筆者認為星雲大師的書法造詣,可以上承古代書法的傳統,又自具特色,能於當世書壇自立一家門戶。 另一方面,古代書法名家,不僅書寫古今文學佳篇,另外,亦必有自創之文學作品,以配合書藝表現。本文即根據此一向度,對於一筆字的內容,分別從思想情感及文學的修辭敘事二個層面,闡揚其中值得關注的表現;故本文也將對大師諸多一筆字的書法造詣及文學表現,分別予以解析。
Master Hsing Yun carries forward Buddhism on Earth with one-stroke calligraphy. Getting poor eyesight in old age, he had to presuppose and arrange before writing and then finished a calligraphic work in one sweep. When reading his calligraphy work, one can feel the momentum and that is why he entitled his work‘one-stroke calligraphy’. The written contents Master Hsing Yun created were easy to understand and included meanings of life philosophy that the public were fond of and got inspired a lot. In the article, the author would explore the‘one-stroke calligraphy’ created by Master Hsing Yun from two dimensions. First, to explore both the calligraphy art-tradition since Wang Xian-Zhi and Master Hsing Yun's own characteristics in his calligraphy aesthetics. Second, to inquire into the rhetoric, narratives and affections of his calligraphy literature.
起訖頁 99-138
關鍵詞 星雲大師一筆字一筆書王獻之書法美學Master Hsing YunOne-Stroke WordOne-Stroke CalligraphyWang Xian-ZhiCalligraphy Aesthetics
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201812 (28期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 僧侶的書跡——星雲大師一筆字的筆墨情
該期刊-下一篇 僧傳敘事的考察——以《百年佛緣》為本




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