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On Master Hsing Yun's Notions of Mindfulness, Wisdom and Self-Awareness in Notes of Zen
星雲大師作為台灣宗教界的卓越領袖之一,其數十年的弘法佈道,對佛學教育發展出具有特色的人間佛教與生活禪,這不僅僅是佛教發展務實與創新,星雲大師承續禪學宗師達摩至六祖惠能壇經的精義與禪機奧秘,大師以簡明而多元的人生體悟,從生活中的修行實踐,歷經數十年的人間佛教的佈道,進而成就其特有的禪思宗風,本文研究係以大師語錄中《禪門語錄》定慧自覺探析,以觀大師禪學世界的寬廣深度與內涵意境,並依此了解禪學自覺教育與禪的譬喻之妙。 透過《禪門語錄》分析,本文歸納出大師對「禪」的序列關係,首先,大師提出禪是要悟到內見自性,以及自淨其心,有別於過往學習的經驗方法,是要用心覺悟自我心性。其次,透過禪定產生智慧,了解本來面目就是實性、佛性,不是透過外在追求,要從自我內心禪悟。禪定、止觀會產生穩定力,進而能夠產生智慧。再次,禪修的目標不是透過外在約束,而是反覆的自我覺悟。自覺是以自我為中心的探索覺悟,而不是向外追求或者是藉由外在的束縛。透過自我覺悟得以達到內心澄淨,覺悟後是要承擔自我的職責使命。最後,覺悟者要修持自己;並能度化眾生、成就他人,這是禪的神聖價值。
As one of the outstanding religious leaders in Taiwan, Master Hsing Yun has developed a special way of Buddhism and Zen for Buddhist education. This is the development and promotion of Buddhism. The Master inherits the Buddhist and Zen essentials from Bodhidharma and Huineng. Master Hsing Yun, with diverse life experiences, spiritual realization, life practice, and decades of preaching humanistic Buddhism, develops a school of Zen thoughts. This paper aims to probe into the Master's concepts of mindfulness, wisdom and self-awareness in his Notes of Zen in order to fathom the depth the Master's thoughts and to understand the metaphysical education of Zen and its metaphorical profundity. Through the analysis of Notes of Zen, this paper points out the sequential relation in the ideas of mindfulness, wisdom and self-awareness. First of all, Master Hsing Yun proposes that to achieve Zen is to realize intrinsic nature and sublimation, which is different from the empirical methods of past learning. This is awareness of one's own essential being. Secondly, through meditation to cultivate wisdom, one is revealed to the truth of Buddha-nature, a state that is attained through inner meditation, rather than through external pursuits. Meditation and observance beget stability, and thus generate wisdom. Again, the goal of meditation is not through external constraints, but through repeated self-realization. Self-awareness is inner exploration of consciousness, rather than outward pursuit or external restraint. Through self-awareness, it is possible to achieve inner self-sufficiency, and after enlightenment, it is necessary to assume the responsibility of self. In the end, the enlightened person must practice himself, and he can redeem all beings and complete others. This is the sacred value of Zen.
起訖頁 35-59
關鍵詞 星雲大師禪學禪定定慧自覺Master Hsing YunZenBuddhist MeditationMindfulness and WisdomSelf-Awareness
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201812 (28期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 高僧傳記如何改編成舞台劇——以《玉琳國師》為例
該期刊-下一篇 僧侶的書跡——星雲大師一筆字的筆墨情




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