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The Characteristics and Spreading Ways of Dunhuang popular Literature
作者 廖秀芬
In addition to discovering a large number of Buddhist literature, the Buddhist scriptures at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang also preserved Bianwen(變文), Folksong Ci(曲子詞), and popular poems. It is rich in popular literary works and provides precious first-hand material for the study of Chinese popular literature. These Dunhuang documents preserve the unedited and edited original ecology, and are like the living fossils of the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms popular literature. The style of Dunhuang's popular literature is diverse, showing the diversity of genres, the popularity of themes, and the popularization of language. The methods of dissemination and performance of Dunhuang's popular literature are oral and written and oral. They are limited by time, space, performers and audiences. Performers often adjust their performance with time, space and audience, such as performance space. From the temple festival to entertainment venues, the form and subject matter of the performance also changed. Written dissemination, although not restricted by time, space, and objects, was subject to the“copying of written volumes”, such as the uneven identity of the copy, the purpose The difference between the different and the transcript function, resulting in the quality of the book and the number of quality.
起訖頁 167-196
關鍵詞 敦煌俗文學傳播表演傳抄DunhuangPopular literatureSpreadperformanceManuscripts
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201712 (26期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 以敘事時間為方法重探韓愈的「以文為詩」——以七言古詩為範疇




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