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What is the reason let the Western Han Dynasty be allowed ''Shi ji'' to open
本文主要是從西漢政府對《史記》的敵視來切入,質疑為何漢宣帝最終仍讓《史記》合法化,在分析楊惲為《史記》尋求官方認可的動機後,筆者研判是因「魯學」的褚少孫開始補《史記》,讓「齊學」的楊惲擔心《史記》的解釋權被褚少孫曲解,於是他要透過漢廷官方的認證,向世人宣告自己才是《史記》思想的正宗嫡傳者。 而面對楊惲的請求,筆者認為剛消滅霍氏的漢宣帝定是相中《史記》裡貶低衛青與霍去病的記載,以及《史記》裡的「反權臣」思想,這些文獻皆能在社會上形成極利於漢室政權穩固統治的輿論,是以漢宣帝同意讓《史記》合法化,使得《史記》雖一直受西漢政府敵視,但最終卻仍能在西漢政權底下取得官方認可,從此公開地浮上檯面。
This article is from the Western Han Dynasty government hostility to ''Shi Ji'' 史記to be analyzed. What is the reason, let Emperor Xuan 漢宣帝be allowed ''Shi Ji'' to open? After analyzing Yang Yun's 楊惲 motivation to seek official recognition, I think the reason was Chu Shaosun 褚少孫started to add ''Shi Ji'', Yang Yun worried he wrested the real meaning of ''Shi Ji''. He decided to seek official recognition from the Western Han Dynasty government and established his orthodox theory of ''Shi Ji''. But facing Yang Yun request, I thought that after the clan of Huo 霍氏had wiped out, Emperor Xuan want to reduce Wei Qing 衛青and Huo Qubing 霍去病reputation in society, as well as“the counter-powerful minister”the thought. These literature can take shape the public opinion, let the Western Han Dynasty government political stability, so he agreed let '' Shi Ji'' legalization. Therefore,'' Shi Ji'' still could obtain the official approval under the Western Han Dynasty political power and open ,though the Western Han Dynasty government was hostility it.
起訖頁 163-203
關鍵詞 《史記》司馬遷楊惲漢宣帝霍去病Shi JiSima QianYang YunEmperor Xuan
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201706 (25期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 千秋哀怨託騷人——清初吳梅村雜劇《通天臺》的解讀




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