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Han Clothes and Foreign Ones in the Same Hanger: an Exploration Toward the Process of Han Poems' Modernization Promoted by Wu Zhuoliu after the Second World War
吳濁流既寫小說,也創作漢詩,被歸為「二世文人」。 過往關於「二世文人」的討論,單篇論文中,多從他們作品中的新、舊文學擇一類型探討,且側重於作品內容的剖析。本文希望透過生命歷程的理解,看到吳濁流推動漢詩近代化是超越書寫形式層次的主張,甚至期待以漢文化與新知識互為經緯,交織成他心目中具有文學主體性的堅實網絡。文中的「漢詩近代化」是取自吳濁流原文用語,意指他主張保留漢詩文化底蘊之優點,改良當時所見弊端並融入新知識,與西方理論中的「現代性」是不同概念。 本文重點不在詩作形式或內容解析,而是觀察吳濁流何以與一般作家戰後噤聲或努力學習白話文反其道而行,不但勤作漢詩並出版詩集、還發表許多對漢詩及白話詩的主張,極力推動漢詩近代化工程,這些外顯現象及主張背後的動機和理想是什麼?因此,本文雖然將焦點放在戰後吳濁流的漢詩出版概況、《台灣文藝》(1964-1976)中與漢詩相關的論述文章,但仍會與他極為倚重、參與編務甚深鍾肇政的書信往來、自傳和回憶文章加以比對,深化論述基礎;如此方能看到吳濁流思想演進的過程,以作為理解他推動漢詩近代化意圖的重要根據。
Wu Zhuoliu not only wrote novels but also created Han poems; he is classified as a“two generations scholar”. Concerning discussions about“two generations scholar”, most of the previous articles focused on either the scholars' newer literatures or older ones and focused on parsing the contents of their works. By realizing Wu Zhuoliu's course life, this paper proposes that the his promotion of Han poems' modernization was a notion which exceeded the level of writing form. Han culture and the new knowledge were expected as each other's complementary and were expected to be a solid network that has a literary subjectivity in his heart. In this paper,“Han poems' modernization”is originally from the terms of Wu Zhuoliu, that is, he claimed that the advantages of Han's deep-rooted culturally should be reversed. Also, the disadvantages should be improved by integrating the new knowledges. This is a different concept with“modernity”from western theory. The purpose of this article is not to discuss the form of poem or to parse its content. The purpose of this article is to observe and explore the reasons why Wu Zhuoliu did different thing with other writers who were either be quite or study hard in learning modern Chinese after the Second World War? Also, what were the reasons Wu Zhuoliu work hard in publishing Han poems and proposed his viewpoints about Han poems and modern ones? Why he devoted in promoting Han poems' modernization engineering? What were his motivation and philosophy? Therefore, although this paper focused on Wu Zhuoliu's publishing of Han poems and the book titled“Taiwanese Literature”after the Second World War; the Letters, Autobiography and Memoirs of Zhong Zhao Zheng were also be analyzed to deepen the fundamental basis for the discussion. By doing this, the development processes of Wu Zhuoliu's thinking and philosophy can be revealed. This will be an important basis that we realize the intention why he prompted Han poems' modernization.
起訖頁 39-74
關鍵詞 吳濁流漢詩台灣文藝漢詩近代化Wu ZhuoliuHan PoemsTaiwanese LiteratureHan Poems' Modernization
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201706 (25期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 旅行文學教學法的探索舉隅
該期刊-下一篇 濁水溪文化的經驗意象象——羊牧《吾鄉素描》中的感覺結構




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