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The Study of Tanabata Folk Custom and Poetry in the Song Dynasty
宋代七夕熱烈而隆重,曝書宴會、藥市集貿都是新的拓展。節前準備充分而慎重,與求子習俗密切相關的摩㬋羅孩兒像、種生、花瓜等同時出現,意味深遠。節日當天,女子穿新衣、立巧竿、穿針乞巧、兒童裁詩,歡飲達旦,表達對美好愛情、幸福生活、聰明才智的強烈追求。節俗活動的重心由屬於女性的織女信仰發展到與牛郎信仰的並重。七夕節到了宋代,才真正成為全民節日。民俗慷慨地為詩歌提供了鮮活的創作素材,同時又不可避免地成為詩歌反思批判的對象。宋代七夕詩歌主題更加豐富,表現在繼承傳統,反思傳說,遊離主題之外三種類型。宋代七夕詩歌議論突出,說教色彩明顯,富有理性思考,中和之美,幽默詼諧的特徵。宋代七夕民俗狂熱得真實,七夕詩歌理智得稍顯矯情。 北宋文人秦觀《鵲橋仙》云:「纎雲弄巧,飛星傳恨,銀漢迢迢暗度。金風玉露一相逢,便勝卻、人間無數。柔情似水,佳期如夢,忍顧鵲橋歸路。兩情若是久長時,又豈在、朝朝暮暮。」熱情謳歌了牛郎織女的純潔愛情,提出真摯的愛情可以跨越時空,只在乎情深意重的品質,可以忽略卿卿我我的數量,可謂七夕情愛的動人宣言。宋代七夕民俗與前代相比有何發展演變,文人詩歌又是如何關注表現這一節俗,民俗與詩歌的聯繫與差異何在,我們以此為中心來討論。
The reflection of the Tanabata folk of the Song Dynasty poetry, there are three types of inheritance tradition, the reflection of the legend, and the deviation from the theme. the characteristic which Poetry of Tanabata expressed their views, the reason is obvious. The fanaticism of Tanabata folk is true, Tanabata Poetry is rational, but some hypocritical. The influence of the Tanabata custom to the Song Dynasty poetry is to provide fresh subject matter, at the same time, it inevitably becomes the object of criticism and criticism of the Song Dynasty poetry. The theme of the poetry of the Tanabata Festival is more abundant, which is reflected in the inheritance of tradition, the reflection of the legend, and the three types of free theme in the Song Dynasty. Tanabata Festival poetry discussion highlights, reasoning color is clear, rational thinking, humorous characteristics. Tanabata Festival to the Song Dynasty, truly become a national holiday.
起訖頁 57-82
關鍵詞 七夕民俗宋代詩歌Double Seventh Festivalfolk customThe Song Dynastypoetry
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201606 (23期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 傳奇小說家李公佐與宗室李公佐為同一人考——從「千牛備身」說起
該期刊-下一篇 調誘、印可與全真教主王重陽、馬丹陽的詩詞唱和




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