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The Construction of Tourism Image by Cultural Landscape in Changhua: on Writing Strategies of Kang Yuan
文化地景(cultural landscape)含括文化與地景兩個概念,文化形塑了地景,地景則記錄了文化,文化地景涵蓋有形的地理景觀與無形的精神文化,形成複雜而多元的景觀樣態。觀光意象(tourism image)是遊客對旅遊地整體印象的概念,包括主觀的印象與客觀環境的評價、理性的認知與感性的體驗,是一個觀光地區整體吸引力的重要角色。 康原,彰化文史工作者,1990年代中期以來,以報導文學、台語歌謠創作、人物傳記等文學形式,型塑/建構彰化在地人文面貌;本文以康原為彰化觀光而寫的導覽手冊為主要分析文本,探討康原如何以有別於一般導覽手冊的書寫策略,提供旅行者更具歷史人文意涵的觀光地景,及其如何以文化地景建構彰化的觀光意象。
Cultural landscape involves dual implications of“culture”and“landscape.”Culture is reflected in every aspect of human life styles; whereas, landscape is endowed with various meanings and values due to human existence. Cultural landscape is thus the precise presentation of the intertwined complex between intangible spirits of human beings and tangible natural environments. Tourism image refers to the overall impression by the tourists toward a tourist spot, including subjective and objective comments, rational and sensible experiences, all of which forming the decisive character that affects the attractiveness of that tourist spot. Kang Yuan, researcher in culture and history of Changhua, Taiwan, since the mid-1990s has been depicting and constructing the local human culture by producing various literary works including reportages, Taiwanese folk songs and biographies. Taking Kang's works as the main research subject, the paper aims at analyzing the writing strategies of the author, discussing how Kang's works differ from general guide books, how he provided the tourists with tourism information of history and human spirits, and how he constructed the tourism image of Changhua by the perspective of cultural landscape.
起訖頁 51-75
關鍵詞 文化地景觀光意象康原彰化Cultural landscapeTourism imageKang YuanChanghua
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201506 (21期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 微電影《在八卦山下遇見賴和》地景之意涵與運用
該期刊-下一篇 台灣書法家古典詩歌創作中的地景描寫




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