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He new poetry will be long chanted–Discussion of Mr. Huang yong-wu's Prose Writing
黃永武涵養於傳統詩學,同時創作了千篇以上的散文作品,刊載國內外報刊,昀後集結為十幾本巨著。他以《中國詩學》、《愛廬小品》兩度獲得國家文藝獎,在學術與創作兩方面都有傑出的成就。 本文試圖呈現黃永武學、經歷與學術成就,來說明先生浸潤古典詩詞歌賦的涵養的深厚。進而剖析黃永武的散文創作:意圖發揚傳統中國文化、感懷異國風情社會、喟嘆故國山川人事,同時與身處的現代社會風習對話。並深入探討黃永武散文書寫的內在思維:了解先生在有我與無我的選擇、辯證有用與無用的態度,更清楚知悉先生在經世與閒適之間兩難的抉擇。 學術與創作是兩條平行線嗎?或者能夠相輔相成?讀過黃永武的作品之後,可以肯定先生立典範於今來,也可以理解先生勇於變革、擴展視野,也期望先生的新詩長吟。
Mr. Huang Yong-wu is proficient at traditional poetry, and written thousands of prose, which published in both local and foreign newspapers. These works have been compiled and re-published in several monumental masterpieces. His ''Chinese Poetry'', ''Love House Proses'' have won the National Arts Award twice, and his achievement on both academic and creative are outstanding. This article attempts to demonstrate Mr. Huang yong-wu's immanency of classical poetry and songs through presenting his learning, experience and academic achievements. If we look more closely to Huang yong-Wu's prose writing: we can see the intention to carry forward traditional Chinese culture, emotional affection of exotic society, sigh among homeland and personnel, while communicating with the modern society's customs. If we further explore the inner mind of Huang yong-wu's prose writing, trying to understand the choices of neglecting personal identity, debating and proofing the concepts of useful and useless, and further learned Mr. Huang's dilemma between helping governing other people and having his own carefree life. Is academic and creative writing two parallel lines? Or can one complement one another? After reading Huang yong-wu's works, we can sense Mr. Huang's courage of innovating, and expanding the horizon of literature writing. Mr. Huang is a great model of today's poetry and prose, and people will chant his poetry work forever.
起訖頁 49-82
關鍵詞 黃永武學者散文入世精神詩學涵泳生活哲學Huang Yong-WuScholar's proseConcern for the WorldDeep understanding of poetryphilosophy of life
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201112 (14期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論黃永武教授斠理敦煌唐詩的貢獻
該期刊-下一篇 錢鍾書《槐聚詩存》與杜甫詩間的互文性——以1937至1945年為主的探勘




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