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Lu Xi-Sheng's Dan Law of Body and Mind
作者 鄭志明
Lu Xi-Sheng, the founding father of ‘East School,’ had a few number of friends but his theory had been adapted as the Monasticism even the next generations didn’t inherited his significant Buddhist name and monastic methods. However, the ‘East School’ was prominent name estimated his historical position in the field of Inner Alchemy when people considered him as the synthesizer of ‘Theory of Dan Law of Mind and Body.’ With systematic principles and simple, clear methods, the Dan Law gave prominent understandings between Yin and Yang in order to promote the anti-synthesis of Yin and Yang. Lu Xi-Sheng shared new ideas of accumulation of Yin and Yang—the essences of men and women backed to the primitive nature in terms of practice in order to get the categories of Yin and Yang and some certain phases of being men and women. The Dan Law focused on essence of heaven and earth to reverse the course of events involved in a Yin and a Yang which established the intact life essences. Mind and Body was the life spring of Yin and Yang, not the sexuality between men and women, in which men and women forgot sexuality and emotion at the significant moments; therefore, men and women could enter the world of mind and spirit, the methods of Buddhist. Within its significant historical position that opened a new path of Mind and Body Famennian between ‘East School’ and ‘West School,’ the Dan Law inherited the principles and methods of Taoism from Tang and Song Dynasties. The famous contribution of Dan Law gave systematic Dan-Law-Theory between men and women which was accurately intended to practice the principles of ‘hiding with each other’ and ‘the same categories.’ Although the significant methods were not ‘words and writings,’ the Dan Law gave lots of famous descriptions and discussions in which the next generations knew the paths of Body and Mind.
起訖頁 157-184
關鍵詞 道教內丹陸西星雙修丹法房中術取坎填離TaoismInner AlchemyLu Xi-ShengDan Law of Body and MindQukantianli
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201012 (12期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 證量解經——論劉蕺山《人譜雜記》之詮釋途徑




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