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From flights to notes–A study of Huang Yongwu Travel writings
作者 陳室如
1983-1984年,黃永武赴美研究一年,著有旅美遊記《載愛飛行》,90年代他多次開啟海外之行,退休移民美加後,遊興依然未減,著有多篇遊記,旅行經驗與創作成果極為豐碩。 透過異國風光的對比,黃永武的遊記映照出一個無處不在的文化故國,對古老文化的高度認同反映出民族自信與責任感;以異國為鏡,他在遊記中檢討臺灣各項缺失,冀望見賢思齊,在不斷輾轉搬遷的移動中,故鄉╱他鄉的疆界隨之鬆動,家國情感的認同更為複雜。 隨著人生閱歷與旅行經驗的積累,黃永武早期遊記中的嚴肅家國逐漸淡去,他開始返回自我心靈,體悟閒適自得;屢屢徵引典籍原文,以「一瞥」習慣增添遊記深度,表現豐厚學養,晚期詮釋手法稍變,卻仍大量運用古典意象,呈現鮮明特色。
Huang Yongwu's travel experience is rich and his travel writings are considerable. He studied in America from 1983 to 1984, and he wrote a book, Flying with love, about his travel writings in America. In 1990s, he traveled overseas several times. After he retired and immigrate to Canada, he still continued to travel and wrote sizeable writings related to travel. In contrast to foreign country, Huang's travel writings reflect a pervasive culture homeland, and the high degree of recognition in his ancient culture shows his national self-confidence and sense of responsibility. In his travel writings, he took advanced foreign country as a standard to review his own country—Taiwan and hoped to improve her. However, in his constant movement, the boundary between his homeland and foreign country is vague, and the emotional recognition of his own country is more complicated. With the accumulation of experience in life and travels, the serious and strong sense of nationalism in early travel writings gradually fade, he began to return to self-mind and understood the quiet contentment. In order to increase depth of the writings and show his substantial knowledge, he used to cite classics repeatedly and take the way of glance. In his later works, the way of interpretation slightly changed, but he still used extensive classical imagery to show distinctive features.
起訖頁 91-119
關鍵詞 旅行旅遊遊記黃永武《載愛飛行》traveljourneytravel writingsHuang YongwuFlying with love
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201012 (12期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 紅蓮柳翠故事在明代俗文學創作的處理與應用
該期刊-下一篇 證量解經——論劉蕺山《人譜雜記》之詮釋途徑




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