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Side Record of Tang Dynasty's Taoism Culture in Officialdom-upon the time and objects in Li Shang-Yin's huang-lu 齋文
作者 林雪鈴
Li Shang-Yin had six 黃籙齋文to be passed down for generations, which are three pieces of〈為馬懿公郡夫人王氏黃籙齋文〉、〈為相國隴西公黃籙齋文〉、〈為滎陽公黃籙齋文〉、and〈為故鄜坊李尚書夫人王鍊師黃籙齋文〉.This essay explores and analyzes the composing time and the objects concerned of the works and discusses the value of the works of Li Shang-Yin's, which relfect the Taoism culture of officialdom in Tang Dynasty. Through the research, we have found that the composing time of the three works 〈為馬懿公郡夫人王氏黃籙齋文〉was written for 三元建齋, which was completed in the same year. 〈為相國隴西公黃籙齋文〉was exactly composed in 會昌五年, while〈為滎陽公黃籙齋文〉was written in 大中元年.As for the objects concerned in the work: 鄧君 is supposed to be the famous Taoism priest 鄧延康, 符君is actually 符契元, and 隴西公is 李石。 In relfecting Taoism culture in Tang Dynasty, one can detect from these works that there was a climate in which well-known writers in Tang Dynasty were usually commitioned to compose 齋文. People at the time adored famous Taoism priests and Taoism temples; wives of officials sometimes chose to be women Taoism priests late in life. The works also reflect the details of these women Taoism priests' lifestyles. From the study, one is able to understand more about the writing background of Li Shang-Yin's 齋文works, and to confirm the value in reflecting the Taoism culture in Tang Dynasty.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 唐代道教李商隱黃籙齋齋文三元Taoism in Tang DynastyLi Shang-Yinhuang-luceremonial airticle
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200706 (5期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-下一篇 陳鑒、高閏出使朝鮮與《丁丑皇華集》考述




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