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The ultimate meaning of life and strange writing style in Chuang tzu's ''Chi-wu-lun''
The Main meaning of '' Chi-wu-lun'' is proving and declaring our truly existence to all that living in the life world. It reminds us to dissolve our prejudiced view and to accept the difference of the whole being equality with a broad-minded. And at last we can make a harmonious world possible. It is called that“the universe and I came into being together; I and everything therein are One”. After all it emerge an insight into our life that all things are one. If we believe that our life world is the authentic world, and we can embody the distinctive east wisdom that the Tao have never apart from our daily life. Through with textual hermeneutics, we try to expose the truly meaning about Chuang tzu's '' Chi-wu'' theory. And in this paper, we will try to describe this theory as“The ultimate meaning of life”. In the meanwhile, we will be more carefully about the construction and style of this paper. It is obliged to say that we can find the strange writing style in '' Chi-wu-lun'' everywhere. For example, the title of '' Chi-wu-lun'' is including two meanings: '' Chi-wu'' (leveling all things) and '' Chi-lun'' ( leveling all theories). However we can find this strange writing style is the best way to explain the ultimate meaning and the logical structure of '' Chi-wu-lun''. The author wrote this book with a strange writing style because of he has a talent to express his thought with words and speeches but never limited by them. For this reason, everyone who understanding '' Chi-wu-lun'' deeply, he at last must surmount the limitation of words and comes back to the ordinary life peacefully.
起訖頁 25-44
關鍵詞 莊子齊物論詮釋生活世界辨證書寫Chuang tzu˙Chi-wu-lun˙hermeneutic˙life world˙identify˙writing
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200507 (3期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 敦煌禪宗歌詩《行路難》綜論
該期刊-下一篇 王船山人格美學探究




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