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Mapping winter waterbird biodiversity hotspots for conservation prioritization: Bridging gaps using citizen science data
Mapping winter waterbird biodiversity hotspots for conservation prioritization: Bridging gaps using citizen science data
作者 Wan-Jyun Chen (Wan-Jyun Chen)An-Yu Chang (An-Yu Chang)林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)李培芬 (Pei-Fen Lee)
Declining waterbird populations and increasing overlapping habitats with human activities necessitate the identification and conservation management of biodiversity hotspots to ensure sustainable utilization of natural resources and preservation of biodiversity. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of an eBird dataset, a global citizen science initiative, to systematically assess the winter waterbird biodiversity hotspots at a 1-km grid scale throughout Taiwan. This assessment considered five criteria: species richness, abundance, and national, regional, and local importance values. We identified 994 grids as hotspots, with 132, 154, 137, 205, and 366 grids meeting all five, four, three, two, and one of the five criteria, respectively. The hotspots are located in the coastline region, and only 32.60% are located within the protected areas, implying that winter waterbird hotspots extend beyond the protected areas and significantly overlap with anthropogenic activity area. Our findings highlight the limitations of traditional protected areas in effectively conserving winter waterbird hotspots, thereby demanding the adoption of more proactive and strategic management approaches to promote sustainable coexistence between humans and nature. By analyzing the crowdsourced scientific data, this study fills spatial gaps and provides a systematic method for rapidly assessing biodiversity distribution, generating up-to-date information for biodiversity management that aligns with the current status.
起訖頁 266-274
關鍵詞 Citizen Scienceconservation managementenvironment protectionspatial conservation planning
期數 202404 (69:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 Review of the genus Indocryphalus Eggers, 1939 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in Taiwan with a new species
該期刊-下一篇 Habitat preferences of the sicklefin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens) in the Dongsha Atoll National Park: a preliminary assessment




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