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Analysis of Types and Origin about Existing Brass Incense Burners in Penang, Malaysia
Incense burners are significant artifacts in Chinese temples, reflecting rich cultural heritage and religious beliefs. However, research on incense burners from Southeast Asia, particularly the Nanyang region, is limited. These burners, with their shapes, inscriptions, and origins, provide insight into the development of overseas Chinese communities and their craftsmanship. They serve as material cultural history, complementing written records.
Field research in Penang, Malaysia, reveals that brass incense burners primarily follow the traditional lion-head, loop-handle style from China’s XuanDe period (宣德朝). Inscriptions indicate Guangzhou as the main production area, particularly workshops like Yuanhe (元和) and Jucheng, with Yuanhe (鉅成) being the key one. Local workshops in Penang emerged in the early 20th century, including establishments like Yangfu (仰福), Xin Jinlong (新錦隆), and Hefa Company (和發公司).
This study emphasizes that lion-head handled incense burners from Guangdong originated mainly from the Tianping Street (天平街) and Zhuangyuan Fang (狀元坊) areas within Guangzhou. In the later Qing period, this became a major hub for religious brassware production and export in China. Despite their popularity among Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, these burners did not find a market among Arab or European elites and merchants, remaining primarily associated with Chinese religious practices.
起訖頁 27-99
關鍵詞 檳城黃銅爐獅首耳銅爐廣州作坊元和店PenangBrass Incense BurnerIncense Burner with Lion-Head Shaped HandlesGuangzhouYuanhe Workshop
刊名 臺灣東南亞學刊  
期數 202404 (19:1期)
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 客家與達雅之間:砂拉越新村客家──達雅通婚家庭研究
該期刊-下一篇 從「文化識別」的概念反思多元文化主義脈絡下馬來西亞華人身份認同兼論華人基督徒




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