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優西比烏的研究輔助表:誤解與改正,特引用奧洛林(Thomas O,Loughlin)的優西比烏研究輔助表研究
Eusebian Apparatus: Its Misinterpretations and Amendments, with Special Reference to Thomas O’Loughlin
優西比烏(約260-339 CE)的早期著作《研究輔助表》(Apparatus)的內涵曾經被遺忘。在第4世紀,他的著作被誤解。本文藉由Thomas O,Loughlin教授在1990年代的著作並提供歷史證據為例,顯示耶柔米(Jerome,約342-347-420 CE)的不正確運用,從而使後來的教父學者們感到困惑。奧古斯丁嘗試寫作《論四福音的和諧》,然而,優西比烏卻是關注在故事的完整性。本文以第5世紀和第8世紀的文本為例,說明他的《研究輔助表》如何在歷史中被誤解與修正。
Eusebius’(ca. AD 260-339) earlier work Apparatus has long been forgotten by scholars. During the fourth to tenth centuries, this work was misinterpreted. This article analyzes Prof. Thomas O’Loughlin’s work as well as to provide historical evidence as an example to show how Jerome inappropriately used it thus causing the later Church Fathers to be confused about its purpose. For Augustine, his main purpose was to prove the harmony of the four gospels. However, for Eusebius, his purpose in writing this Apparatus was not predominantly to prove the harmony of the four gospels, but to witness to the fact that the four gospels are“speak together of the Lord.”
起訖頁 143-163
關鍵詞 優西比烏研究輔助表教父學對觀福音Eusebian CanonsEusebian Apparatus Biblical ExegesisSynopsisPatristics
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 202312 (22:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 宗教護生信念與生物多樣性的對話




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