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The Origins, Development and Characteristics of the Dōsojin Cult in Edo Japan
Dōsojin道祖神are guardian deities in rural Japan, whose na¬ture somewhat resembles local gods of the soil (tudigong土地公) in China and Jangseung長in Korea. The Dōsojin cult reached its heyday during the Edo period (1603-1868), when Dōsojin stone statues and steles could be found all over Japan, but were partic¬ularly popular in the Kōshinetsu and Kantōregions, both on the main island of Honshu. The primary purpose for erecting Dōsojin was to bless villagers with prosperous offspring and safeguard travelers and people on pilgrimage. The annual Dōsojin festival also provided entertainment for the villagers. The Dōsojin cult is an example of how Japanese people have utilized Chinese ele¬ments to enrich local folk beliefs. Although the concept of Dōsojin is quite similar to God of Travel in China,and Japanese scholars like to cite Chinese texts to promote a theory of their Chinese ori¬gins, the Dōsojin cult was indeed a fusion of Chinese elements, lo¬cal Japanese Buddhism and Shinto, and popular Japanese customs. As such, the Dōsojin cult became a part of Japanese folk religion, rich with unique Japanese characteristics. There has been quite a bit of research on the Dōsojin cult from Japanese scholars, much of it centered on fieldwork investigations of various locales. Based on primary sources and offering a research perspective beyond that of fieldwork, this study aims to deepen our grasp of the nature of the Dōsojin cult in Edo Japan and understand how Chinese el¬ements played a definitive role in the formation of Japanese folk beliefs.
起訖頁 63-101
關鍵詞 道祖神民間信仰江戶日本在地化中日文化交流Dōsojinfolk religionearly modern JapanlocalizationSino-Japanese cultural exchange
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 202312 (22:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 疫情時代的佛法教化:以慈濟之「推素」為例
該期刊-下一篇 宗教護生信念與生物多樣性的對話




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