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A Study on the Factors Affecting Willingness to Consider Applying for Reverse Mortgage of Middle-aged Farmer Homeowners
作者 吳明哲
我國老年人口比率逐年上升,尤其農村人口老化更是快速,使得農民經濟安全更顯重要。故本文針對臺灣55歲以上中高農民屋主為研究對象,運用問卷方式及二元羅吉斯(Logistic)迴歸模型來探討影響申請「逆向抵押貸款」(reverse mortgage)商品意願之因素。研究結果發現,教育程度愈高、遺產動機愈少、現有房屋數愈多、無購買理財型保險、富裕程度自我評估愈不足、負債愈趨避、自我理財規劃瞭解程度愈高、未來每月生活費需求愈多、愈認為以房養老為好的金融商品者,以及退休後不與子女同住者愈有意願申請意願。另推估我國老農申請逆向抵押貸款之潛在需求量約為4.5萬戶。
Making the economic security of elderly farmers is more important as the elderly population ratio has increased year by year, especially since the rural population is aging more rapidly. This article uses a questionnaire survey and binary logistic model to explore the effect factors of applying Reverse Mortgage (RM) for middle-aged farmer homeowners in Taiwan. This paper found that the higher education levels, a lower bequest motivation, more existing houses, no financial insurance, lower affluent level of self-assessment, more debt aversion, a better understanding of self-finance planning, more monthly living expenses required in the future, RM is more viewed as a good financial product, and intend to live apart from their children after retirement are more likely to apply for RM. In addition, this research uses the degree of willingness to apply and the number of elder farmers’homeowners to estimate the potential market demand for RM in about 45,000 households.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 中高年農民逆向抵押貸款羅吉斯迴歸Middle-aged FarmerReverse MortgageLogistic Regression
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 202406 (33:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-下一篇 台積電擴大設廠是否帶動周圍地區房價上漲?以台南科學園區為例




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