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A Case Study of Using Low-cost Siphon Equipment to Enhance Shorebird Foraging Habitats
本研究描述一個低成本、低碳排的虹吸引水裝置,以其應用於嘉義布袋廢曬鹽田,用以改善遷徙鷸鴴的覓食棲地。研究地點位於一地層下陷、無引水設施,且面臨乾旱的鹽田。因鹽田剛好緊鄰潮溝,溝內水位高於鹽田底部,故運用虹吸原理進行引水。虹吸管根據重力和大氣壓力的物理原理來促進液體流動,本研究的虹吸水泵利用3吋的聚氯乙烯(PVC)水管組成。在引水前後進行鳥類調查。結果顯示2022/4/15 - 4/21試驗期間,在面積14 ha的9-1號鹽田引入水體積約為2,788.5m3,為遷徙鷸鴴提供適宜的覓食棲息地。該虹吸裝置成本為4,549新台幣(約150美元),材料費用和組裝時間為1天。本案例提供虹吸引水裝置的環境特性、製作方式、操作過程和相關成本的完整資訊。結果顯示在特定的環境條件下,虹吸可以是一種成本效益高、低碳的棲地管理工具。
This study presents how to apply siphon equipment, which is low-cost and low-carbon, to a dry salt pan in Taiwan to optimize foraging habitats for migrating shorebirds. The study area is situated in a subsidence zone with poor hydrological facilities due to inadequate maintenance and long-term subsidence. Consequently, some salt pans have become completely dry or excessively flooded. As a key component, The siphon diversion equipment, was made by a 3-inch Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) connecting pipes. Bird surveys were conducted before and after the water diversion. The results showed that during the experimental period from April 15 to April 21, 2022, the total volume of water diversion was approximately 2,788.5 m3 in the Salt Pan 9-1 (area about 14 ha), providing suitable foraging habitats for migrating shorebirds. The siphon equipment was cost-effective, it cost only NT$4,549 (around US$150) in materials and took a single day for assembly. This case study shows comprehensive information on the environmental characteristics, fabrication process, operational procedures, and associated costs of the siphon water diversion equipment. The findings suggest that siphons can serve as a practical, low-cost, and environmentally friendly tool for habitat management under specific environmental conditions.
起訖頁 11-30
關鍵詞 鷸鴴類棲地低成本虹吸裝置引水shorebird habitatlow-cost siphon equipmentwater diversion
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 202404 (26:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 南投魚池鄉慣行及有機茶園之蝶類群聚資料集
該期刊-下一篇 模擬氣候變遷下臺灣原生生質能潛力樹種無患子的分布動態




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