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生物產業科技管理叢刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Corporate ESG and Sustainable Development Issues, Taking M and P Companies as Examples
This study uses two companies as cases to deeply explore whether companies value corporate social responsibility and ESG sustainable development and can practice it. Through the company's data collection and interviews, we can gain an in-depth understanding of the actual application of these two topics. Companies face many challenges in the process of fulfilling corporate social responsibility. These challenges include how to balance social and environmental interests while pursuing economic benefits, and how to integrate corporate social responsibility concepts into the company's daily operations, and consider environmental, social and corporate governance to achieve corporate sustainability. In response to these challenges, some possible improvement directions are proposed, hoping to provide some reference for enterprises. It is hoped that these research contents can help companies pursue economic interests while taking into account social and environmental interests and good corporate governance to achieve truly sustainable development. Furthermore, we also expect this research to have an impact on academia and practice. We look forward to more companies practicing corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability in the future, and creating more social value in the process.
起訖頁 62-90
關鍵詞 企業社會責任企業永續社會議題股東利益公司治理Corporate Social ResponsibilityESGCorporate SustainabilitySocial IssuesShareholder InterestsCorporate Governance
刊名 生物產業科技管理叢刊  
期數 202404 (12期)
出版單位 財團法人全球生物產業科技發展基金會
該期刊-上一篇 生成式AI於醫療領域應用之管制議題
該期刊-下一篇 工業用感測器之客戶滿意度與品牌忠誠度初探




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