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Anti-inflammatory Effects of Phytobiotic Feed Additives on Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows
本試驗旨在進行植生素複方A(含白鶴靈芝、蒲公英、甘草)對次臨床性乳房炎乳牛之抗炎效果評估。體外細胞試驗,將植生素複方A之白鶴靈芝水萃液分別作用於巨噬細胞株(mouse BALB/c macrophage RAW 264.7)進行抗發炎活性之檢測。動物試驗,隨機挑選高體細胞數之泌乳牛(n = 36,次臨床性乳房炎),分為不餵食植生素複方A之對照組(n = 18)與餵食植生素A之試驗組(n = 18),試驗組每頭牛每天餵食100 g植生素複方A(以粉末形式添加於精料內),為期28天,開始餵飼前一天及第29天,採集生乳樣品檢測乳成分與體細胞數,以及血液中血清生化值分析。細胞試驗結果顯示,白鶴靈芝粉水萃液對於受到細菌脂多醣(Lipopolysaccharide, LPS)活化的巨噬細胞株可測得抗發炎反應,其表現反映於間白素(interleukin, IL)-6生成量的降低,添加水萃取液10%可抑制LPS誘發IL-6之生成量達23.6%。動物試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加植生素複方A 28天之試驗組,在試驗前後平均體細胞數(×104 cells/mL),從239.6±256.1降至79.6±53.7,而對照組則由228.5±81.2升至293.2±162.7,兩組間有顯著差異存在(P<0.05)。但是在平均乳脂肪、乳蛋白質、乳糖、天門冬胺酸轉胺酶與血中尿素氮檢測,均未受到試驗處理影響。綜上,白鶴靈芝水萃液對細胞發炎激素的生成有抑制作用,具抗發炎活性。結論:飼糧添加植生素複方A雖然對乳牛之乳成分與血清生化檢測無顯著影響,但對高體細胞數情形有顯著改善之效果。
The study was conducted to treat the subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle by using phytobiotic complex A (contains Rhinacanthusnasutus (L.) Kruz, Taraxacum Mongolicum, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis) feed additives (PCA). And, evaluating the effects of Rhinacanthusnasutus (L.) Kruz (RN) on anti-inflammatory activity of cells. The in vitro test of cell anti-inflammatory activity was to detect on macrophage cell line (mouse BALB/c macrophage RAW 264.7) treated by the water extracts of RN. The results showed that the 10% RN water extract administration on cells could inhibit the production of interleukin-6 by 23.6%. Thirty-six lactating cows, with subclinical mastitis, were randomly assigned to two groups and fed a diet without (control group, n=18) or with (treatment group, n=18, 100 g PCA powder per head per day) PCA supplementation for 28 days. At start and end of the experiment, the fat, protein, lactose and somatic cell count (SCC) in raw milk, and t the blood biochemical parameters were measured. The results showed that cows fed with PCA powder had a significantly (P<0.05) reduced SCC compared to the control group. However, the fat, protein, lactose, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were no significant difference between control group and treatment group. In conclusion, the effects of PCA were associated with down-regulation of SCC of dairy cow. Addition of PCA as a dietary supplement might minimize the impact of subclinical bovine mastitis.
起訖頁 26-42
關鍵詞 植生素乳牛乳房炎體細胞數phytobioticdairy cowmastitissomatic cell count
刊名 生物產業科技管理叢刊  
期數 202404 (12期)
出版單位 財團法人全球生物產業科技發展基金會
該期刊-上一篇 Fake News and Its Regulatory Framework: Fake News as Byproduct of New-Media Environment
該期刊-下一篇 生成式AI於醫療領域應用之管制議題




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