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The Study of Fake News Regulation and Freedom of Speech
Living in an era where information dominates and thrives in our daily lives, people are prone to making wrong decisions and judgements upon receiving fake news and unreliable information. As a tale from Zhan Gun Ce talks about how three people makes a fictional story into an existing fact, it is analogizing that repeated defamation makes fake news into real news. This is a major issue nowadays since it is so easy to spread information, people neglect the fact whether the in-formation they are receiving is real or fake, and they become faulty as they spread on the fake news and makes the circulation of fake news even worse. Without the knowledge as to whether news are fake or real, people often rely on whether it has more views or pictures and photos as evidence to prove it as real news, however, that may not always be so reliable. The definition of fake news is deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. The Washington gunman motivated by fake news‘Pizzagate’con-spiracy shows the fatal impact fake news has on politicians, media, and even normal people’s lives. Considering the abuse and fatal impact of fake news, our government is legislating laws against social media outlets so that they regulate news that circulate on their platforms. Govern-ment is increasing the compensation on damages within civil law and enhancing punishment within criminal laws as a prior approach currently. However, the issue falls into the debate as to whether amending the laws will pose a violation to freedom of speech. Currently, our focus is on regulating false statements about food safety, agricultural markets, etc., to prevent public panic. We rely on improving media literacy to combat fake news online. Fact-checking centers and ru-mor-refutation zones have been set up to safeguard freedom of speech.
起訖頁 1-11
關鍵詞 假新聞言論自由披薩門網路社群Fake NewsFreedom of SpeechPizzagateSocial Media
刊名 生物產業科技管理叢刊  
期數 202404 (12期)
出版單位 財團法人全球生物產業科技發展基金會
該期刊-下一篇 Fake News and Its Regulatory Framework: Fake News as Byproduct of New-Media Environment




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