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Wansei, Blood, Japanese: The Exploration of Taiwan and Identity in the Works of Itsushi Kobayashi
小林井津志(こばやし いつし,1917.09.20-2005.07),本名小林一之,日本新潟出生,兩歲隨著母親赴台,1936年自臺南師範學校畢業,而後任職於高雄州恆春第二公學校、大宮公學校、大樹國民學校,並為《文藝臺灣》、《臺灣文藝》同人,是一位廣義的「灣生」作家。身為一位作家,小林井津志在日治時期作品並不算是豐碩,僅有小說四篇與數篇隨筆。但在引揚後,小林井津志回到石川縣小松市,持續地從事教職以及創作,成為了一名地方作家。在這樣多重地域/國家的轉換歷程之下,使得無論是戰前或戰後,小林井津志的小說作品多是以「台灣」為背景,並探討自我認同為其中心。
Itsushi Kobayashi (小林井津志, September 20, 1917–July 2005), néKazuyuki Kobayashi (小林一之), was born in Niigata, Japan, and moved to Taiwan with his mother at the age of two. He graduated from Tainan Normal School in 1936 and subsequently taught at Kousyun Second Public School, Omiya Public School, and Taijyu Elementary School in Takao. He was a member of the literary magazines Bungeitaiwan (文藝臺灣) and Taiwanbungei (臺灣文藝), and identified as a Wansei writer in the broad sense. As a writer, Kobayashi was not considered prolific during the Japanese colonial period, having produced only four novels and several essays. However, after repatriation, Kobayashi returned to Komatsu-shi, Ishikawa-ken, where he resumed teaching and creative writing, becoming a local author. The multiple transitions between regions and countries in his life led to his preand post-war novels often being set in Taiwan and centering around the exploration of self-identity.
This article examines Kobayashi’s post-war novels. First, it outlines his life, from his birth in Niigata in 1917 to his death in Ishikawa-ken, Japan, in 2005, supplementing the current academic discourse which seldom discusses the details of his biography. Next, it examines Kobayashi’s works in the fanzines Hokkoku Bunka (北国文化) and Ao (青), such as“Japanese Jipunran”(日本人,じっぷんらん) and“Two Kinds of Blood”(二つの血), exploring how Kobayashi contemplated his identity and sense of belonging to both Taiwan and Japan after repatriation. Finally, it discusses in depth Kobayashi’s 1989 work“Tennyo”(天女), which earned him the 6th Sakigake Literature Prize, the highest literary accolade of his lifetime. To a certain extent,“Tennyo”encapsulates the entirety of his thoughts throughout his life.
Finally, this article aims to use Kobayashi as an example to explore the unique identity of Wansei writers, specifically through their reflections on“self-identity”By examining the ambiguities and contradictions of this special identity—caught between Japan and Taiwan, pre- and post-war—the study places Kobayashi within the context of“Taiwan-Japan”Hikiage (lit.“repatriation”) literature, with the goals of expanding the profile of Wansei and Hikiage literature, and deepening and broadening the landscape of Taiwanese literature.
起訖頁 45-85
關鍵詞 小林井津志(小林一之)灣生引揚文學身分認同Itsushi Kobayashi (Kazuyuki Kobayashi)WanseiHikiage LiteratureSelf-identity
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 202404 (38期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 舊學、新思維論新題──廖文奎《學》、《庸》論述探究
該期刊-下一篇 發掘廖未林發表在《中央日報》兒童週刊的漫畫與插畫




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