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The Impact of Climate Change on the “Subjective and Objective Effectiveness” of the Right to Health in Constitution
作者 王服清 (Fu-Ching Wang)
The seriousness of climate change affects basic rights by jeopardizing human dignity, the right to life and the right to physical and mental integrity. The constitutional basis for the right to health in Germany is mainly found in Article 2, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, first sentence of the Basic Law. Since basic rights have both objective and subjective effectiveness, and of course the right to health is also the same, there is further debate on whether the right to health in the context of climate change has subjective effectiveness. In addition, the interpretation of the right to health in our country’s constitution is mainly based on the relevant interpretations and reasons of the Judicial Yuan (Constitutional Court) and the diverse and rich opinions issued by the many Judes. Most Judes and constitutional scholars agree with that the right to health is a right not enumerated in Article 22 of the Constitution. Moreover, the effectiveness of the right to health in our country’s constitution has several characteristics: it is a compound right, the constitution cannot be used as the basis for subjective rights, the state has the minimum obligation to protect it, it is no longer a policy directive, and it is combined with the constraints of the principle of equality (such as long-term care medical expenses, this issue of enumeration of deductions results in differential treatment of taxpayers and infringement of the rights to survival and health of dependents). This article summarizes and analyzes the characteristics, similarities and differences of the right to health between the constitutional levels in Germany and my country, and provides us of reflection and reference.
起訖頁 1-83
關鍵詞 氣候變遷健康權客觀效力主觀效力基本國策Climate ChangeRight to HealthObjective EffectivenessSubjective EffectivenessBasic National Policy
刊名 科技法學論叢  
期數 202312 (19期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所
該期刊-下一篇 地方自治團體地方稅立法權之界限──花蓮縣礦石開採特別稅案相關判決之評釋




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