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The Study of T’ang-Sung Lyric in the Sinological Field of North America
作者 王萬象
The influence of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric has been far-reaching among continents and oceans. The development of disseminating T’ang- Sung Tz’u lyric’s translation and introduction in the Sinological Field of North America has reached to a certain degree of success, and the English translation works, research dissertations and publications are full of abun¬dance. Many scholars and sinologists have been diligently seeking exqui¬site translations and commentaries of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric, leading to a considerable result of its development in foreign cultural environments. In the past six decades, the ongoing translations and commentaries of T’ang- Sung Tz’u lyric by the sinologists in North America have not only quoted from Traditional Chinese Lyric Theories, but also combined the critical methods of Chinese-Western Comparative Poetics. This has usually creat¬ed an alternative path for the interpretations of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric and aimed to explain lyric’s literary characteristics from a new angle.
The classification of researches on T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric in the Sinological Field of North America can be separated into three stages: (1) autonomous researches before 1970s; (2) the formation of systemat¬ic researches between 1970s to 1980s; (3) the diverse development of researches since 1990s. From 1950s, the translations and commentaries of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric in the Sinological Field of North America has developed for six decades. As more than three generations of scholars have dedicated themselves to this field, they started to form their own systematic researches, fully capable of exploring research problems, methods and theories with self-sufficiency and independence. Apart form that, the sinologists in North America also opened up a new field for lyric studies. For example, scholars can dive into the studies of poets and lyric, genres, lyric history, analogy to give expression to feelings, the changes of styles and the features of poems on the subject of describable things.
Nevertheless, as Chinese scholars have already had many researches on T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric’s translation and introduction in the Sinological Field of North America, scholars in Taiwan remains to be unfamiliar with this field of research. As this phenomenon is unfavorable for conducting researches on Chinese-Western Comparative Poetics, this research aims to cover the shortage of academic field of Chinese literature in Taiwan, looking forward to a more complete and in-depth research on T’ang- Sung Tz’u lyric’s translations and introductions in the Sinological Field of North America, combing the teaching and study of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric with Chinese-Western Comparative Poetics to interpret the exquisiteness, beauty and elegance of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric. There¬fore, this paper will focus on the translations, commentaries and studies of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric in the Sinological Field of North America from early 1950s to 2010s, reviewing the progress of its introductions and translations, organizing the contexts of its development and dive into its related works and publications by sinologists. Hence, this paper examines the issues as the following: (1) Introduction; (2) the reincarnation of the translations, commentaries and studies of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric; (3) the study and dissertation of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric in the Sinological Field of North America; (4) Conclusion: the inter-pretations of T’ang-Sung Tz’u lyric from the method of Chinese-Western Comparative Poetics.
起訖頁 57-128
關鍵詞 北美漢學界唐宋詞研究詞體風格詠物詞Sinological Field of North AmericaT’ang-Sung LyricTz’u StyleTz’u Lyric on Objects
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 202403 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 幸福角落的隱蔽與敞開——白居易閒適詩中床與舟的空間詩學解讀
該期刊-下一篇 「水部家法」與「賈師法門」:論《重訂中晚唐詩主客圖》中的五律典範建構




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