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Effect of Genre-Based Approach on L2 Learners’Writing Performance: A Systematic Review
作者 Yohana Ika Harnita Sari (Yohana Ika Harnita Sari)陳明蕾 (Ming-Lei Chen)
提升二語學習者的寫作能力,是二語教學的重要議題。近年來,以文體為基礎的二語寫作教學取向(Genre-Based Approach)漸受重視。本研究針對文體為基礎的二語寫作教學研究,以系統性回顧的方法回答兩個研究問題。首先,有哪些因素會影響文體為基礎二語寫作教學成效?其次,文體為基礎的二語寫作教學,對二語學習者的寫作能力會有什麼影響?經標題摘要與全文檢視兩階段篩選,共納入14篇文獻。經質性綜整分析,發現學習者因素、教師因素及教學方式,都是影響文體為基的二語寫作教學成效之重要因素。針對研究問題二,本研究發現以文體為基的二語寫作教學取向,有助提升學習者的文法能力、言談品質、社會語言能力及寫作策略。值得注意的是,本研究所回顧的14篇研究,並未探討學習者第一語言的寫作能力是否影響第二語言的寫作能力。未來可進一步關注第一語言與第二語言發展間的關係,做為第二語言寫作教學設計之參考。
Improving the writing performance of second-language (L2) learners is an important issue in L2 teaching. In recent years, the Genre-Based Approach (GBA) has received increasing attention. This study aims to systematically review the research on GBA implemented in teaching L2 writing by answering two research questions. First,“What factors influence the use of GBA in improving learners’L2 writing performance?”and second,“How does GBA intervention affect L2 writing performance?”After a two-stage screening of titles, abstracts, and full-text reviews, 14 papers were included in this systematic review. After a comprehensive qualitative analysis, the learners’domain, teachers’domain, and integrated approach/technique domain became important factors affecting the effectiveness of GBA in L2 writing instruction. In response to the second research question, this study found that GBA in L2 writing instruction could help improve learners' grammatical, discourse, sociolinguistic, and strategic competencies. Notably, these 14 studies did not explore whether learners’L1 writing abilities affected their L2 writing abilities. In future, attention should be paid to the relationship between L1 and L2 development to provide more rigorous empirical evidence for designing L2 writing instruction.
起訖頁 131-179
關鍵詞 溝通能力文體教學法L2PCK寫作表現communicative competenceGenre-Based ApproachL2PCKwriting performance
刊名 清華教育學報  
期數 202312 (40:2期)
出版單位 清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小二年級學童數學加減法文字題錯誤分析




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