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The Comparative Effectiveness of Using Cold Water Oral Spray and Cold Saline Oral Spray for Thirst Relief in Patients With Endotracheal Intubation in the Intensive Care Unit
作者 吳虹諗 (Hung-Shen Wu)趙從賢張嘉娟 (Chia-Chuan Chang)汪慧鈴
方法:研究對象來自於大台北地區某醫學中心內科加護病房氣管內管留置病人,將病人隨機分配至冷生理食鹽水組(n = 18)與冷蒸餾水組(n = 18)。冷生理食鹽水組接受3次2℃−8℃冷生理食鹽水噴霧,每次朝向病人口腔四個面向各噴10下,等待5分鐘,重複該過程,共3回,每次介入間隔時間為30分鐘。冷蒸餾水組則使用2℃−8℃冷蒸餾水,其餘介入步驟同生理食鹽水組。以數字評分量尺(Numeric Rating Scale)測量兩組三次介入措施前後的口渴強度,及以查閱病歷獲得病人基本資料及生理狀態的數值。
Background: Thirst is a common symptom among patients with endotracheal intubation in the intensive care unit (ICU), with an estimated prevalence of 88%.
Purpose: This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of cold saline spray and cold water spray in alleviating thirst, and to explore the maintenance and sustained effects of both groups in relieving thirst among patients with endotracheal intubation in the ICU.
Methods: Patients with indwelling tracheal tubes in the medical ICU were recruited from one medical center in northern Taiwan and randomly assigned to either the cold saline (n = 18) or cold water (n = 18) group. The cold saline group received three rounds of cold saline spray at a temperature of 2℃–8℃. Each round consisted of 10 sprays directed toward each of the four surfaces of the oral cavity followed by a 5-minute wait period. This process was repeated three times, with 30-minute intervals between interventions. The cold water group received the same intervention steps using a cold water spray at 2℃–8℃. Thirst intensity was measured using a numeric rating scale before and after each of the three interventions in both groups. Demographic and relevant physiological data were collected on the participants by reviewing their medical records.
Results: Both of the interventions were found to effectively alleviate thirst intensity, with no significant difference between the two groups in terms of thirst intensity reduction after each intervention detected. Only the cold water spray had a maintenance effect, while the two groups had a continuous sustained effect in alleviating thirst intensity.
Conclusion: Both of the interventions effectively alleviated thirst, and the cold water spray had both maintenance and sustained effects in alleviating thirst intensity. Based on the results, the cold water spray method may be considered as the priority treatment for thirst alleviation by healthcare providers in the clinical management of patients with tracheal intubation.
起訖頁 33-42
關鍵詞 氣管內管噴霧口渴強度endotracheal intubationspraythirst intensity
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 202406 (71:3期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 次世代智慧照護契機
該期刊-下一篇 老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人吸入器操作正確性及相關因素




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