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The Writing of Things and the Cognition of Things in Mid- and Late-Tang Poetry
The writing of things in the poems of the middle and late Tang dynasty was stimulated by northerners moving into the south, and the writing of things in the south gradually became a popular textual form. However, the strangeness of things in the south was based on the characteristics of physical sensory experience, which was distinctly different from the strange and special things popular in the early Tang dynasty as constituent modules of political concepts. The process through which the influence of strangeness is replaced by strangeness itself not only shows traces of the change and evolution of Tang political concepts, but also reveals influences of the body in daily life and the cognitive style of the middle and late Tang dynasty. Through these more personal experiences, poetry written in the middle and late Tang dynasty paid more attention to the reality of people's experiences and feelings. The writing on foreign objects and daily things, old things and simple things was not only a record based on life experience, but also an attempt to deal with life's difficulties. Scholars established a new type of person-object relationship with a new form of body-object, and formed a combination of objects that established their own classic phase through a new interpretation of close objects. Influence of the tradition of poetics based on the sense of things and their analogy also weakened due to the practice of being able to change things, while the new types of poetics were gradually becoming increasingly distinct. By perceiving objects through the body, the continuous thread between the Tang and Song dynasties becomes clearer.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 中晚唐體物物性認知南方認知方式middle and late Tang dynastyperceiving objects through the bodycognition of thingsthe southcognitive style
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 202303 (62期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 「吃人與禮教」和「吃人的禮教」──論魯迅《狂人日記》的詮釋化過程




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