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Analysis service architecture utilizing middleware for information services management systems
Analysis service architecture utilizing middleware for information services management systems
The field of Information Service Management is concerned with the effective management of information technology (IT) services across their entire lifespan, encompassing activities such as design, development, deployment, operation, and continuous improvement. The components encompass many procedures, namely service design, service transition, service operation, and constant service improvement. The proliferation of information service management aligns with the ubiquity of the internet and its web-based services, notwithstanding the constraints posed by intermittent wireless connectivity. When the attainment of web service reliability is accomplished, there is a decrease in communication overhead, resulting in the retrieval of the correct response with little exertion. The worldwide pandemic issue presents an opportunity to glean useful insights that can contribute to the progress of digital health technologies. The remote monitoring of patient's health conditions and treatment actions inside the health system is crucial to mitigate the potential danger of disease transmission. Furthermore, there is a need for further development of digital technology that enables the sharing of information and facilitates evidence-based decision-making among stakeholders. The provision of data integration and analysis services is necessitated by the utilization of web services. The utilization of the middleware technique is deemed to be more suitable for web services. This study presents a novel model, referred to as Analysis Service Architecture utilizing Middleware (ASAM). The ASAM framework was established through the utilization of the Service Computing Systems Engineering Life Cycle approach. Further, ASAM is applied to the Management of Tuberculosis Information Services in Epidemic Tuberculosis cases in Indonesia. We evaluate and analyze our proposed method with other Information service management including face recognition, object recognition, and optical character recognition as a basis for evidence-based decision-making. Black box method testing with 50 service samples was carried out to measure aspects of functionality, reliability, and efficiency with ISO/ICE 9126 standards. The result is that the ASAM model is considered feasible as a new model of service-oriented middleware based on service-oriented architecture.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 Service architectureASAMInformation serviceArtificial intelligence
刊名 國際應用科學與工程學刊  
期數 202406 (21:2期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學理工學院
該期刊-下一篇 Effects of physical activity intervention on reducing neck and upper extremity pain intensity for female office computer workers




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