中文摘要 |
多數低視力者的需求皆為閱讀,除了低視力者,即使對視力正常人來說,閱讀也是日常視覺的重要任務之一。而以遠距離的單一羅馬拼音字母視標為基準,評估中、近距離的日常中文閱讀辨識能力有其限制。直接以中、近距離的中文辨識基準評估日常閱讀辨識能力有較高的功能性意義,且常見的方法是以閱讀速度作為評量標準。故本研究以中文的複雜度作為閱讀速度的評量依據,並假定相同的複雜度會有相同的閱讀速度。實驗結果顯示本研究假設正確,20篇文章平均複雜度無顯著差異之下,閱讀速度亦無顯著差異,且複雜度與閱讀速度間呈高度相關(r = .795, adj r2 = .611, p < .01)。透過本實驗研究初步建立了一個可用的中文閱讀視力評量工具。後續研究將以語詞排列、不同視力、不同年齡層、單一複雜度文字組成文章,四種條件進行後續探討,以期發展出對正常視力者、低視力者、以及其他類型受試者皆可使用之中、近距離的視力評量工具。 |
英文摘要 |
Reading is one of the important tasks of one’s daily routine, not only for people with impaired vision, but also for sighted people. The results of distance visual acuity tests are not suitable as a benchmark for explaining one’s needs for reading and daily life. On the contrary, it has high functional meaning to assess those needs based on medium-near reading acuity charts, and the evaluation criterion which is usually used is reading speed. Therefore, this study uses the perimetric complexity of Chinese characters as the basis for evaluating reading speed, and assumes that if there is no significant difference in complexity, the reading speed as the same. The experimental results show that the assumption of this study is correct, and that there is a high correlation between the two values (r = .795, adj r2 = .611, p < .01). Follow-up research will be conducted on: word arrangement, other visual acuity, different age groups, and the chart made by use of the same perimetric complexity. |