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作者 徐運凱
Administrative dispute resolution in the new era is a dispute resolution mechanism developed under the conditions of market economy, based on the transformation of government functions and comprehensively advancing law-based governance. Administrative dispute resolution is defined by its being administrative, tripartite and adjudicative as the identifying elements, and its functions are composite. Administrative dispute resolution has the unique advantage of resolving disputes, strengthening administrative justice has profound practical and theoretical logic. The practical logic of strengthening administrative justice lies in meeting the demand of building a government based on the rule of law, responding to the call of non-litigation dispute resolution mechanism in the forefront, strengthening the governance of the source of the litigation, realizing the goal of substantive resolution of disputes, inheriting the cultural tradition of shame of litigation and harmony, and solving the status of weak thinking of the rule of law. The theoretical logic of strengthening administrative dispute resolution lies in the refined development of the theory of administrative behavior, the pursuit of good governance by the rule of law, and the response to whole government. The path to the rule of law in administrative dispute resolution begins with the resolution of the issue of uniform legislation, which involves the legislation of individual areas and uniform legislation of the Administrative Code. The latter relates to the section of Administrative Dispute Resolution in the General Provisions and Special Provisions.
起訖頁 427-446
關鍵詞 行政司法穿透式監督實質性化解爭議統一立法Administrative Dispute ResolutionPenetrating SupervisionSubstantive Resolution of DisputesUnified Legislation
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202403 (212期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 辯護律師保密權的法教義學分析
該期刊-下一篇 涉案人供述的證據准入:考量因素與系統反思




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