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Illusion of Depth: Exploring Tactility from Stereograph to Animation
Since the invention of film, the popularity of 3D movies and virtual reality works has gone through multiple waves of ascent and decline, continuously demonstrating the artists’and viewers’pursuit of tactile sensations, three-dimensionality, and their curiosity about integrating the virtual into the real world. The article will analyze the layout and content of the artworks through three subtopics:“the visual-tactile experience of stereographs,”“the fusion of tactile experience in stereoscopic moving images,”and“the extension of sensory perception in animated installation.”It explores how flat images and animations viewed through stereoscopic vision evoke tactile perceptions in spaces with virtual depth. Moreover, by extending the discussion to Tabaimo’s animated works in physical spaces, immersive projections and tactile moving images can be utilized to blur the boundaries between the virtual and the real. As we delve into visual transformations and sensory evolution, the focus shifts to exploring the relationship between viewing behavior and space as well as the feedback of visual-tactile perception. How can the tactile sensations evoked during the viewing process entice viewers to reflect on their positions within the expanding realm of imagery?
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 立體圖像動畫動畫裝置視觸stereographsanimationanimation installationhaptic visuality
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202312 (5期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-下一篇 繪畫與影像的對話:電影《血觀音》中愛的現象




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