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The folk custom and modelling of“Paper Cangue”in Northern Taiwan pilgrimage
作者 辜神徹
This article focuses on the folk custom and rite of“Wearing Paper Cangue”in northern Taiwan, which ever practiced in City God processions, Qingshan Wang pilgrimage procession, Qingshui -Zushi pilgrimage procession. Through the methods of historical documentation and field investigation, try to highlight the ritual practice and its characteristics of the act of re-acting in the region, and explore the cultural significance behind the relevant folklore. There is the concept of "guilty" in the folk belief, and this custom is the expression of the worshippers' self-confessed guilt, and through the procession to express their appreciation for the gods with“Wearing Paper Cangue”, the significance of displayed the crime publicly to show the penance is the core meaning during the process of rite. Finally, in the contemporary we could also observe that part of the city god temples also revival the folk custom of“Wearing Paper Cangue”. Nowadays, people participated the rite except for the illness, various unfortunate incident of life may attract worshippers to participate the rite.
起訖頁 9-30
關鍵詞 夯枷掛紙枷城隍扮犯“Wearing Paper Cangue”play a role in criminalguiltyCity Gods
刊名 文資學報  
期數 202312 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-下一篇 百年信俗年年順風──後龍水尾子武德宮送順風探述




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